We will be holding our usual Beer2Gether event at the studio in Paris, which means that if there is something you've always wanted to ask us over a drink, you have the perfect occasion to do so!

This year exceptionally, the event will be taking on the 25th of January. We will be providing food and drink—including beer made specifically for the event, as it seems the Dust-infused beer is now a staple!

Note that spots are limited (there's only so much room!), and that registration is required to attend. Click here to save your spot.

We can't wait to see you!


If you can't make it to Paris, per the tradition, we still have a few things in store for you: on the 18th of January, we will host our Endless Day stream on Twitch (subscribe here!) with Mathieu and Romain (AmpliMath & SpaceTroll) discussing the past year and where we're headed next, some goodies giveaways as well as the Endless Day in-game events!

It will be a busy week, so we hope you're ready....