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7 years ago Feb 22,2018, 15:32:00 PM


14 373 Views

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Clearance level: TOP SECRET

To the attention of [REDACTED]


We have received critical intel on the Endless Space 2 project. Based on our findings, it seems likely that an upcoming major faction will be created through community votes.

Our agents monitored the creation of the Eyder minor faction in late 2015, and you might be familiar with the process. A series of votes progressively shapes various aspects of the faction, until its personality and looks emerge. We suspect the methods employed will be similar.

Here are the critical facts we have gathered, based on reliable sources:

  • This new major faction will be included in a major expansion for Endless Space 2. Our leads on the Vaulters had been accurate and these were released in January, 2018, but this mentions of a new faction confirms our earlier intel that lent the rumors. A secondary investigation has been launched to dig up the sources of these rumors and see if they can be flipped to join our network.
  • This major faction appears to be espionage-oriented. There are many different ways this could play out, and within the parameters of this contest, the end result will be entirely up to the community.
  • We have seen a roadmap of the event which, although limited, gives us a solid understanding of the process ahead. It is reproduced below for your benefit:


It is our belief that influencing the outcome of this process is of paramount importance to the well-being of our society. We recommend proceeding to the Votes section and throwing our weight behind our preferred option, starting with [Species Type].

We remain confident that final victory will be ours.



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7 years ago
Feb 25, 2018, 6:03:11 AM

I've been looking forward to subterfuge factions in this game for a long time! I loved playing The Forgotten in EL!  Fingers crossed for cloaking devices!!!!

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7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 2:07:09 AM
nSanity wrote:
Listkoe wrote:

Sowers or Automatons ? Those would be great. Or spy oriented like Shifters, you know, shadow-like ships, bonuses from gas giants, stealing technology ( without standard technology progress ).

Shadowlike ships, so like ships phasing in and out of this dimension? With maybe extra evasion-specific ship modules in which weapons pass through from time to time...

Yes, half-material elusive ships with evasion modules instead of shields or armor and some cool shadowy ships looks. 

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7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 3:04:43 AM


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7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 5:35:49 AM

Broken lords! Dust to dust! Over the Ember Plains!

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7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 5:09:09 PM

Personally I couldn't care less what they are as long as they look cool and their playstyle is fun that's all that really matters to me but nice to have the option.

What I specifically want is a warmonger ecological faction.  Ecologist is the most underrepresented ideology from the majors by far, followed by religious.  Pretty much all the empires can pull off Pacifist/War ideology with possible couple exceptions and science/industrialist is well represented also.

So whether it is Humanoid, Alien or Technological please make them ecological warmongers or religious non pacifists in some sense (pacifist playstyle is boring in a 4X game for me personally).  I'm sure the Amplitude writers can come up with something fitting lore wise based on the previous empires.  I think a warmonger ecologist empire would be really cool can't think of too many examples in other sci-fi stuff.  Perhaps a spin could be placed on ecological, some organisms paradise can be others hell or perhaps some new terraformong mechanic.  Spore slavery over other pops who knows...

EDIT:  Guess I should have read the link/opening post fully before posting didn't realize new race was focussed on espionage guess that's the next mini expansion focus???  Still want Warmonger ecologists not sure how that would work with spying.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 6:13:41 PM

Parasite/simbiotic aliens, could be cool to see a new way to play in witch you basically use parasite to take control of other factions leaders, resources, etc.

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7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 7:14:24 PM

Hmmmm.... I would vote for the space faring Pug or Llama race but they are not humanoid, alien, or technological.  How about an "Anthropomorphic" option?

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7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 8:27:57 PM

Love to get a more alien faction in the game, but robots doesn't sound bad either.

let's find out!

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7 years ago
Feb 24, 2018, 5:45:05 PM

The Lumeris empire should be an espionnage centered society.

Anyway it's going to be non humanoids aliens so I probably would never play them.

Lucky me you have this custom faction creator, i hope you're going to improve this tool btw, a good way to add a lot of faction possibilities (but it's still too restrictive, in my opinion).

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7 years ago
Feb 23, 2018, 2:05:08 AM
ImperatorTempus42 wrote:
Listkoe wrote:

Sowers or Automatons ? Those would be great. Or spy oriented like Shifters.

Those will probably be the race after this. And the Forgotten were spies.

Of course Forgotten. I did forgot ( ;D ) their name.

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7 years ago
Feb 25, 2018, 12:20:14 PM

How about you make Ecologist and Religious faction with unique colonizing and terraforming mechanic.
Who would they be ?
The children of the Endless...
They are Crystal Giants which are created by the endless or so they belive. They came from another galaxy in a search for their creators. Their own galaxy is a bit different then ours. To put it short, everything there is much bigger.

They are giant race which can settle only large and huge worlds. ( About the medium size worlds, they have unique mechanic to exploit them without settleing if you own the system )
They also have colonization limit, and can colonize 2 systems less then other races.
When they colonize they immediately start to terraform the world into something unique which is extreamly rich and powerful.
They can choose to terraform worlds into diferent types of crystal worlds.
Cold crystal world-science bonus, Hot crystal world-production bonus, Dust crystal world- dust bonus, Fertile crystal world-food bonus. They can terraform much faster if the world is proportional to what they are terraforming. ( cold, hot, desert, fertile )

They can also terraform into Endless crystal world. It requires unique endlees world.
Endless crystal world provides huge influence boost, empire happines boost and enables: +2 system colonization limit. As they are extremely religious, they aggressively and fanatically hunt for those worlds. This is the whole reason they are here, in this galaxy...

They are giants, so they are very tough and good during siege battles. They can be overcomed in a defensive siege battle only in a medium to late game.

They also have unique space travel, space ships...A lot of different ideas there...etc.
What you guys think about the idea ?

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7 years ago
Feb 25, 2018, 5:32:12 PM

Hey! I've been wondering if there is going to be a contest for the lore. I mean, it truely wouldn't be community created if the community doesn't create the lore, right? Does someone know the answer to this?

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7 years ago
Feb 26, 2018, 1:26:44 PM

Maybe a species of tiny alien bacteria with a metallic shell that look like nanobots to us, but they adapt to different circumstances by joining in specific ways with particular minerals (and strategic resources).

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7 years ago
Feb 27, 2018, 10:56:46 PM
OmegaPraetor wrote:

What better spy could there be than a fly on the wall?

nice idea

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7 years ago
Mar 3, 2018, 10:22:29 PM

I hope it's a super evil race!  Because I hate beating up on the good guy factions. :)

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