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7 years ago Mar 12,2018, 16:56:00 PM

Lost Symphony, Untold Tales, & patch 1.2.18!

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Hey everyone,

We are very happy to be releasing two new content packs, Untold Tales, & Lost Symphony. Aimed at increasing immersion, and modeled after Endless Legend's The Lost Tales & Echoes of Auriga, these two new pieces are aimed at players who love Endless Space 2's rich universe, and want to fill their eyes and ears with MORE of it. Both content packs are priced at $2.99 / 2.99€ / £2.49, with a 10% discount until March 19th! At the same time, Endless Space 2 is a whopping 50% off for the same duration, so if you've been looking for an occasion to rope your friends in, now's a great time!

Here is a breakdown of both content packs:

Untold Tales

The Endless galaxy might be governed by a few powerful forces, but it is still inhabited by masses of minority species, with their own history, heroes and purpose. In Endless Space 2: Untold Tales, uncover hidden secrets, intriguing stories and endearing characters scattered across your Empire with 21 exclusive Quests, 4 new Minor Factions and 4 new Heroes.

  • 21 new Minor Faction Quests
  • 4 new Minor factions:
    • Galvrans : Hailing from a strange planet with extreme day/night cycles, the Galvrans are courteous but often withdrawn.
    • Kal’Tik’Mas : The Kal'Tik'Mas are a hardy race of scavengers whose gruff exterior hides a grievous past.
    • Sowers : The Sowers are intelligent terraforming machines who follow an ancient order of the Virtual Endless.
    • Sefaloros : Aquatic geniuses at industry and construction, the Sefaloros often use engineered life forms to aid their work.
  • 4 new Heroes:
    • G0d3I Builder.v87 (Sower)
    • En Pas Leba (Kal’Tik’Ma)
    • Ooblart Essacius (Sefaloros)
    • Chancellor Alazne Matul (Galvran)

Lost Symphony

  • 7 new tracks:
    • Boltzmann Brains
    • Light Curve
    • Forgotten Moon
    • Flat Geometry
    • Digital Minds
    • Unstable Molecule
    • Lost Cities
  • 1 new Minor Faction: Harmony
    The Harmony work diligently to improve resource production, as exposure to resources acts as a form of nourishment.

Patch 1.2.8

One of our main goals with this patch was to rebalance weapon & support modules following your feedback. Energy weapons should now be on par with their projectile counterparts, and Blast Effect Batteries will no longer be able to one-shot bigger ships.  We also gave some much needed buffs to some supports modules that were seeing little use while imposing some limitations to those that were too prominent in combat or could stack too high.

The other main aspect was to rebalance governments, also following player feedback. Republic was king and the idea was to bring the other governments to its level, by increasing their strengths and make them able to fit different playstyles. Along with the purely numerical changes on political event values (building many military ships will no longer force you to become militarist!), we feel this brings new stakes to the political game of Endless Space 2!



  • Material Expertise: Strategic resources costs multiplier in Modernization upgrades increased from 25% to 50%
  • Probe vision range bonus from Vaulters-specific tech decreased from +40% to +25%
  • Golden Age does not scale on Game Speed anymore
  • Hero skill Geniocrat I: Science bonus reduced from +20% to +15%
  • Vaulter populations bonus damage to attacker in ground battle increased from +20 to +25
  • Increased cooldown before next free colonization by 2 turns

Space Battle:

  • Rebalanced Laser & beam DPS values
  • Blast Effect battery will now do only 50% damage against medium and large ships
  • Energy and Projectile enhancer strategic cost brought from 2 to 3
  • Lenser module will grant repair per phase bonus instead of HP bonus
  • Jammer module will now grant an evasion boost in addition to its usual bonuses
  • Antipersonnel Defense drone now grant 150 manpower in addition to its usual bonuses
  • Hardened Shield Generators now grant 100 energy defense in addition to its usual bonuses
  • Turret Recovery Fields now grant +10% critical damage in addition to its usual bonuses
  • Globally reduced evasion boost on Engine modules
  • Antimatter Laser and Beam will now have a superior hull penetration rate instead of a damage boost against shields
  • Beams have been boosted back to 75% of their former value
  • Energy & Projectile Enhancer Damage boost can now only be equipped once per ship


  • Made Autocracy available for Custom factions
  • It is now possible to add governments in mods and they will appear in the interface of the game
  • Reworked political event effects:
    •  Reduced power for numerous militarist events
    •  Reduced power for some pacifist events
    •  Increased power for some religious and ecologists events
    •  Building a Wonder now always increases the religious ideology
  • Governments revamp:
    • Federation now gives +1 System before over-colonization per Hero on Empire
    • Federation now has -20% Luxury cost on System Development Upgrades
    • Democracy now has -5% Influence upkeep cost reduction per active law from different political parties
    • Dictatorship now has the strongest forced laws in the game
    • Dictatorship now grants +50% Effect to Senator skills
    • Dictatorship’s propaganda now provides an additional System effect as well as boosting party experience
    • Dictatorship now has two additional law slots unlocked on stage 3 and 5 of Empire Development respectively


  • Increased growth upkeep overall for population
  • Early game food star system improvements have had their gains reduced



  • Fixed an issue where an unknown Battle Card with placeholder text was displayed in the Battle Tactics screen
  • Added Show Location Buttons to Argosy-related notifications
  • Fixed critical error when a Vodyani Ark has less than 60% HP, and tries and fails to retreat, resulting in its destruction and causing the game to remain stuck
  • Fixed an issue where ships could appear rotated after using the Skip to Action button
  • Quest planets no longer remain highlighted after the Pacifist path of the "Guardians and the galaxy" quest has failed
  • Fixed some traits filed under the wrong category which caused their description not to appear
  • Vaulters Fleet Names are now implemented
  • Fixed the Meta-Entactogen Luxury not being impacted by cost reductions
  • Fixed Need to Breed Bill not appearing for Republics

We hope you guys are excited by the added immersive content we're offering! Once you've given Lost Symphony a listen, tell us what your favorite track is!

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7 years ago
Mar 14, 2018, 4:11:00 AM

My favourite track from Lost Symphony would be Unstable Molecule. It vaguely reminds me of Tubular Bells.

Light Curve would be my second favourite.

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7 years ago
Mar 14, 2018, 11:13:20 AM
Leraje wrote:

The DLCs were worth buying for "Cogito Ergo Boom" alone, it had me laughing for at least 5 minutes. :) Major props to whoever on the team came up with the title.

The other option was also pretty good: "I Think Therefore I Blam!"


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7 years ago
Mar 14, 2018, 11:47:37 PM
Slowhands wrote:
Leraje wrote:

The DLCs were worth buying for "Cogito Ergo Boom" alone, it had me laughing for at least 5 minutes. :) Major props to whoever on the team came up with the title.

The other option was also pretty good: "I Think Therefore I Blam!"


I haven't seen those quests yet, but on a wild guess: Mavros?

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7 years ago
Mar 15, 2018, 2:34:50 AM

Awesome!  As mentioned will purchase every piece of DLC you offer as long as you keep improving the game (and especially work on AI).

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7 years ago
Mar 15, 2018, 12:44:09 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Slowhands wrote:
Leraje wrote:

The DLCs were worth buying for "Cogito Ergo Boom" alone, it had me laughing for at least 5 minutes. :) Major props to whoever on the team came up with the title.

The other option was also pretty good: "I Think Therefore I Blam!"


I haven't seen those quests yet, but on a wild guess: Mavros?

Yup. :)

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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 4:03:23 PM

I was originally planning on just buying Untold Tales, after seeing the Sowers bonuses being that awesome, I decided that I also had to get Lost Symphony and The Vaulters, having a lot of fun with all of them right now, the music is surprisingly enough worth it, tho I didn't exactly expect any less from FlyByNo

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 9:49:05 PM
minurominerwin wrote:
Gnouman wrote:

No new hero with the Harmony faction ? Why ?

For be a hero, you need touch the dust. The harmony hates the dust.  Also, when they touch it they become pulses, and there is already a pulse hero.

There are some heroes that havn't been exposed to dust (unless that part is just not mentioned in their summary). All the Vaulter heroes don't have 'Dust exposure' stories in their summaries.

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7 years ago
Mar 12, 2018, 5:09:18 PM

Thank you for your content additions, it's great to see your game improved and enriched.

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7 years ago
Mar 12, 2018, 5:11:18 PM

I am glad of support you, but Lost Symphony is a bit bland DLC. Talking about that, I would pay for a DLC with new interfaces for each faction.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 12, 2018, 5:24:32 PM

Nice update guys!

I'm happy about the Enhanced Soundtrack and the interesting Government changes. :D I'm neutral about the weapon re-balancing.

Dictatorship got quite an overhaul. 

I've one question, though. Was Autocracy (Craver's Dictatorship equivalent) adjusted as well?

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7 years ago
Mar 12, 2018, 5:33:39 PM
Gnouman wrote:

No new hero with the Harmony faction ? Why ?

For be a hero, you need touch the dust. The harmony hates the dust.  Also, when they touch it they become pulses, and there is already a pulse hero.

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