Hey folks,

After a week of brainstorming, we have (at time of writing this) exactly a hundred name proposals for the upcoming espionage faction! We have just enabled upvotes, so it will now be on you to show us which ones are you favorites! Remember, we will handpick three finalists from the top ten names, a week from now, Wednesday, May 9th, at noon, Paris time (CEST).

You can upvote all the names you like (one, three, ten, more!), by clicking on the thread (which will redirect you to it) and clicking the G2G icon at the top right of the thread (the one with the points!). The points total will turn blue, marking that you've voted for it. If you wish to remove your vote from a submission, simply click that icon again.

Click here to be taken to the Naming Contest, and upvote away!