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6 years ago Jun 01,2018, 13:57:00 PM

Endless Space 2 Expansion Closed Beta Sign Up

12 027 Views

Hey everyone!

With the G2G votes for the upcoming faction coming to an end, we've reminded players that no, the Espionage-oriented faction & its expansion aren't the focus of our next expansion. You might be wondering so what is it? Sorry, today is not the day we're answering this question. Today is the day, however, that you get to register for the closed beta for our upcoming Endless Space 2 expansion! If you wanna know what's coming up next, you own Endless Space 2, and you happen to have some time to play starting on June 14th, click the link below to sign up!

Beta sign-up form

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6 years ago
Jun 4, 2018, 9:33:11 AM
Suis3i wrote:

Also just a general question about the Beta-test, when should we check our emails ? Will the confirmation be sent on June 14th or some day(s) before (or after) ? 

Hi everybody,

A few questions came up so hopefully this will clarify:

Essentially, we are running a lottery to pick 50 or so active community members to participate in the closed beta of the next ES2 expansion (which is *not* the community-picked espionage faction yet, that one will come after ;) ).

Every applicant to the closed beta will receive an email confirming (or not) their random selection for the CB sometime this week, plus further instructions where pertinent. If selected for the closed beta, you'll receive a non-disclosure agreement which will need to be signed and returned. 

As alluded to by @Frogsquadron, the espionage faction is coming in hot. BUT, that said, we have another surprise for you before then.

Yay :)


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6 years ago
Jun 4, 2018, 2:16:28 PM
Natco wrote:
Suis3i wrote:

Also just a general question about the Beta-test, when should we check our emails ? Will the confirmation be sent on June 14th or some day(s) before (or after) ? 

Hi everybody,

A few questions came up so hopefully this will clarify:

Essentially, we are running a lottery to pick 50 or so active community members to participate in the closed beta of the next ES2 expansion (which is *not* the community-picked espionage faction yet, that one will come after ;) ).

Every applicant to the closed beta will receive an email confirming (or not) their random selection for the CB sometime this week, plus further instructions where pertinent. If selected for the closed beta, you'll receive a non-disclosure agreement which will need to be signed and returned. 

As alluded to by @Frogsquadron, the espionage faction is coming in hot. BUT, that said, we have another surprise for you before then.

Yay :)


Okay awesome, thanks Natacha 

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6 years ago
Jun 4, 2018, 3:08:18 PM
Alan123 wrote:

I've signed up for the closed beta, but I couldn't think of my favorite moment at the time. After thinking about it for a while, I think it was when I took over multiple cities with a few big armies in Endless Legend. Does leaving that field blank stop me from getting accepted into the closed beta and should I resubmit the application?

If I got it right, you can change your application details, including that. So see if you can find a way to access the page again.

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6 years ago
Jun 4, 2018, 5:13:16 PM
Drakonyan wrote:
Alan123 wrote:

I've signed up for the closed beta, but I couldn't think of my favorite moment at the time. After thinking about it for a while, I think it was when I took over multiple cities with a few big armies in Endless Legend. Does leaving that field blank stop me from getting accepted into the closed beta and should I resubmit the application?

If I got it right, you can change your application details, including that. So see if you can find a way to access the page again.

I can access the page but it's blank.

Update: I found an email that let me update my information. Thanks!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 5, 2018, 10:17:13 AM

Hey folks! We have now received almost 500 applicants, which is way more than enough. It'll take us a few days to process everyone, so thanks for signing up, we'll directly contact the lucky few. We'll be posting here once it's done so you can check your inbox and hunt for any stray emails!

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6 years ago
Jun 5, 2018, 11:26:35 PM

Hoping I get the chance to help test the next expansion. If I don't get selected, any chance I can get a hint what this one is about? The suspense is too much! I may not have been very active on the forums lately, but I check in nearly every day, if that counts for anything.

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6 years ago
Jun 6, 2018, 3:47:39 AM

Long time fan, first time poster. Very excited for a chance to take part in whats to come in Endless Space!

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6 years ago
Jun 6, 2018, 8:03:34 AM
Serpentofshadow wrote:

Hoping I get the chance to help test the next expansion. If I don't get selected, any chance I can get a hint what this one is about? The suspense is too much! I may not have been very active on the forums lately, but I check in nearly every day, if that counts for anything.

We hint at things fairly often, but people don't seem to know where to look. All these easter eggs going to waste...

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6 years ago
Jun 6, 2018, 10:22:22 AM

Frogsquadron wrote:

We hint at things fairly often, but people don't seem to know where to look. All these easter eggs going to waste...

Natco wrote:


Was that the hint you were talking about!!??? ...cause if it is! COUNT ME IN! 

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6 years ago
Jun 6, 2018, 10:48:33 AM

Oh how I wish...

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6 years ago
Jun 6, 2018, 11:00:15 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Oh how I wish...

Well with that being said ENDLESS ROMANCE did win the ModDB contest in First place... Maybe i'm seeing things, but it's Chelou enought to make me wonder! When can we finally fall in love with thoses Heroes of ours!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 7, 2018, 12:00:34 AM
ThinKing19 wrote:

Yuppie! Beta tester!!!

You got an email ?

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6 years ago
Jun 7, 2018, 10:19:26 AM
Suis3i wrote:
ThinKing19 wrote:

Yuppie! Beta tester!!!

You got an email ?

That's most certainly not the case, we haven't sent anything out... just yet.

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