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6 years ago Jun 01,2018, 13:57:00 PM

Endless Space 2 Expansion Closed Beta Sign Up

12 027 Views

Hey everyone!

With the G2G votes for the upcoming faction coming to an end, we've reminded players that no, the Espionage-oriented faction & its expansion aren't the focus of our next expansion. You might be wondering so what is it? Sorry, today is not the day we're answering this question. Today is the day, however, that you get to register for the closed beta for our upcoming Endless Space 2 expansion! If you wanna know what's coming up next, you own Endless Space 2, and you happen to have some time to play starting on June 14th, click the link below to sign up!

Beta sign-up form

Copied to clipboard!
6 years ago
Jun 11, 2018, 4:03:36 PM

So this is the expansion where we get to rebuild Auriga and plant the seeds of EL2?!!

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6 years ago
Jun 11, 2018, 11:37:37 PM

For anybody using docusign and having difficulty, you are not alone! I didn't get it right first time either. Or second. But I believe Ive cracked it now. Lets hope its third time lucky. 

Create your DocuSign account.

Create your signature (under preferences)

Load the NDA into DocuSign.

Choose yourself as the recipient (your own email address)

Insert text boxes into all relevent fields apart from signature line and fill in appropriate info

*IMPORTANT NOTE* Include country of residence in address line. 

Insert a signature box where you are supposed to sign

Send the document to yourself. 

View the document and click on the signature box, it will insert the signature you created earlier. 

Send to Amplitude. 

Im sure there are several much easier ways to do this, but this is what worked for me. (I hope)

hope this helps..

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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 8:32:07 AM

I just can't wait for thoses of us who signed the NDA to get some sort of information package or something so we can start to have a look and thinks about what we wanna test with the new expansion. 

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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 9:26:24 AM

A couple of your responses were caught by our spam filter, I've dug them up from the spam inbox and will reply to the latest batch I got today.

As for the new stuff, you should get info on what you'll be testing on Thursday... ;)

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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 10:38:53 AM

so no more beta invites going out ? Feels Pepe man.

I really hoped to test the new stuff welp i guess well have to wait for an actual release :7

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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 2:52:33 PM
Aloyra wrote:

so no more beta invites going out ? Feels Pepe man.

I really hoped to test the new stuff welp i guess well have to wait for an actual release :7

Hundreds applied.   Sometimes we're lucky, sometimes we're not.

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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 3:01:41 PM

Thursday can not come soon enough!

In the mean time, let's imagine what this new expansion is about:

Knowing that Froggy did say that the new faction will not be the focus of the next expansion, we can assume that espionnage will not be either.

So, if Amplitude wanted to play it cautiously, we are left with traditional 4X mechanics like:
- "United Nations" (Galacit Senate)

- End game crisis of some sort

- Improvements of political system
- Improvement of invasion system and ground combat
- Improvement of trade mechanics and economic warfare

- Improvement of exploration (bring life to the galaxy)

- ...

I really wish that Amplitude decided to bring some needed fresh air to the 4x formula though :)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 3:55:14 PM

Well looking at the image if it’s related at all, it could mean some sort of reworking of the trade system. the trade compagnies have been tweak a few times in the pass since the beta. For better and for worse ( i remember making absurd amount of luxuries in the beta) Also some idea were floating around about giving more uses to luxury ressource, that would be welcomed sinced it would make other luxuries relevant outside the system upgrades ( a booster like endless legend would be cool to see). I noticed that world politics might plays some role in the inspiration of some game features. When the news was really big on sanctions we saw the implentations  of likewise feature in game( like bureaucratic embroglio). Right now there’s a lot of news on trading inequalities and trade deal, maybe some features like theses, like a more indeapth trade agreements systems are in production? On an other note i would like to see something in the vibe of global noticifation in game when somebody aquire the core cracker, kinda like the nukes crisis and nuke proliferation but with the core cracker. maybe some sort of science boost on that research? or some weapon of mass destruction dlc? Having diplomatic way of dealibg with that in game like a ban on the use of the core cracker for a number of turns could be interesting? Just my opinion sorry for typo and formating i’m on my phone

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 6:37:23 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

A couple of your responses were caught by our spam filter, I've dug them up from the spam inbox and will reply to the latest batch I got today.

As for the new stuff, you should get info on what you'll be testing on Thursday... ;)

That's awesome to hear ! When do you think we will we get that info, approximately ? 

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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 6:51:13 PM

If I did't get reply today, is it possible to get it tommorow or it was the last day? If yes - It will be quite sad, but it was my fault, I send NDA quite late.

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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 7:01:39 PM
lordVigo wrote:

If I did't get reply today, is it possible to get it tommorow or it was the last day? If yes - It will be quite sad, but it was my fault, I send NDA quite late.

They said in this thread that info and instructions should be by Thursday.  You're probably good.

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6 years ago
Jun 13, 2018, 5:13:16 AM

During the last beta I was selected but the NDA has arrived right at the day when the beta began. By that time I’ve already lost hope (as I thought the NDA should arrive early) and didn’t see the NDA as a result. This means don’t give up and keep watching to the very end!

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6 years ago
Jun 13, 2018, 11:47:18 AM

So if i didnt get anything i am not chosen right?

damn... Better luck next time i guess.

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6 years ago
Jun 13, 2018, 12:12:38 PM
Balancer wrote:

So if i didnt get anything i am not chosen right?

damn... Better luck next time i guess.

If you didn't get a later with NDA form, then it's seems so.

If you get a latter and send NDA, but didn't receive confirmation, then there is still a chance.

However, DrTechman42 wrote that he get his NDA during last beta test.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 13, 2018, 12:32:27 PM

Question for former beta testers, are acheivements something that unlock on official release or are they attainable during the beta? Also were there any beta for smaller expension like the untold tales or are they reserved mostly for bigger DLCs ?

Balancer wrote:

So if i didnt get anything i am not chosen right?

damn... Better luck next time i guess.

People that were chosen got an email last thurday with a NDA to fill out, monday they sent an other email for people with missing things on their NDA, Frogsquadron said that people that didn't reply at all to the first email could be replace with other people but at this point  i think all the 50 places are filled IMO. 

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6 years ago
Jun 13, 2018, 12:44:32 PM

Question for former beta testers, are acheivements something that unlock on official release or are they attainable during the beta? Also were there any beta for smaller expension like the untold tales or are they reserved mostly for bigger DLCs ?

I don't think that achievements are added to Steam until the full release

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6 years ago
Jun 13, 2018, 5:06:04 PM

eh, seems im abit to late here((

well, sent my form anyway, lets see what it does))

would like to play abit refreshed game!

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