Hi everyone,  

We’re reaching out with some important information. This isn’t a fun announcement, but we really would appreciate if you took the time to read it.  

Background/What Happened?

In June 2016 Amplitude Studios was made aware that our platform www.Games2Gether.com was accessed without authorization.  This may have resulted in the unauthorized access to some of your data, including any combination of your username, registered email address, encrypted password and date of birth.

Steps We’ve Taken

We take your privacy and the integrity of our universes extremely seriously.  
When we became aware of the unauthorized access, we shut down the G2G platform and took the immediate action of initiating a comprehensive security review.

As a result of that security review, we launched the new Games2Gether platform after ensuring that enhanced security measures were in place.  We also enforced password resets for all returning users along with newer password encryption technology. Furthermore, we implemented regular security testing to prevent the likelihood of any such attack happening in the future. 


What Do You Need to Do?

While this happened some time ago, we would still recommend as a precaution that you consider changing your password on other platforms, websites or applications where you may have used the same password and email combination.

We would also recommend that you remain vigilant to phishing emails and spam asking for personal information.

If You Need More Information

We’re here and we’re listening. Please feel free to contact us at inquiry@amplitude-studios.com.

Thanks for reading,

The Amplitude Team