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6 years ago Jul 26,2018, 14:41:00 PM

Introducing Endless Space 2 Supremacy

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We both know why we're here, so let's dive right into it: Endless Space 2's next expansion is coming soon, and is called Supremacy. Endless Space's samurai chicken badasses have come home to roost, and they bring along some hard-hitting new stuff. Buckle up, we're going in.


The Hissho are back, ready to kick ass and take names!

Tempered by steel and battle, the Hissho evolved from avian ancestors on their Home Planet of Uchi. Focused on the constant wars between their own tribes, they lived ignorant of the different species roaming the galaxy until they were picked up by the Endless, augmented and then quickly put to the test as gladiators fighting in the decadent arenas of their new masters. How long this period of mindless slaughter for the pleasure of their overlords lasted, none of them could say, and of this bygone age only memories of slavery and exploitation remain, along with those of glory and adulation. 

The Hissho are a military-oriented faction whose main gameplay feature is Keii (which translates to respect or deference). This new resource that can only be replenished through combat is used to power special abilities applied on Hissho fleets. It also drives their empire Obedience which replaces happiness and supersedes the Obedience of their star systems. Crushingly strong on the offensive, the Hissho will only fall if you cannot sustain your war economy and let your Keii wither away.

Powerful and versatile, Hissho fleets can easily switch between straightforward and devious loadouts thanks to numerous polyvalent slot modules capable of hosting both support and defense or attack modules. Loadout notwithstanding, they are a force to be reckoned with. It is said that Hissho fleets sometimes sacrifice their ships in suicide attacks when the odds are stacked against them and the stakes are high. Face them at your own peril...


The origin of the gigantic module platforms known as the Behemoth is shrouded in mystery: some say the ships themselves were built using Endless technology, others that they were found drifting in the depths of space, empty and silent. Whatever their true provenance, they are a boon to any faction building them, after completing a quest. Their versatility gives them plenty of uses, from mining to defense platforms to system-annihilating Obliterators, they start out strong, and additional research only makes them stronger! 



In keeping with the Amplitude tradition, new stuff that you can buy comes with new free stuff! This time around, we've reworked the Ground Battle to make it more legible as far as player choices are concerned, and give players more choices to manage systems they conquer. This includes the visualization during the battle as well as the pre- and post-battle screens, shown below:

Settling here was a mistake, Riftborn scum...

Do we even want to take over?


The relics system allows you to leave your mark on the galaxy, to acknowledge the actions of players and AI. Several game actions will be tracked and logged by the game when they happen, and will be displayed in scan view of different entities:

  • Big Space battles will generate "Debris fields" on Systems, indicating who took part, who won, and the scale of forces
  • Assimilating a minor faction will generate a "Pre-galactic civilization" marker on the planet where the assimilation took place
  • Destroyed Pirate lairs will generate a "Crashed Pirate Lair" marker on the planet on which they were destroyed
  • Big Ground battles will generate "Devastated No-man's Land" on a planet on which they took place

All of these have a chance to trigger anomalies or explorable curiosities on the concerned planets...

And of course, the usual fixes and improvements! The full changelog will be posted once the update is live.


  • This will be available next week on August 2nd.
  • Endless Space 2 Supremacy with the discount is available HERE for pre-order for 11.69 € /$ 11.69 / £ 9.89 (-10%)
  • A bundle of both Endless Space 2 Supremacy & Endless Legend Inferno (HERE) is available for pre-order for 20.78 € /$ 20.78 / £ 17.58

  • We're very happy with how Supremacy has turned out and hope you will be, too! What are you looking forward to the most?

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 5:16:12 PM

I love their ascension, stellar art, cultural aesthetic is authentic and bliss, I have been waiting hoping for this since day one of this game.

But their ships don't have their original Hissho design in ES(1), which was also hinted in the Endless Space 2 game release/sneak peek trailer, But not in Their Major Faction Intro & details. 

If I may ask why the sudden unexpected change, the original had a more tribal bird like egypt aesthetic feel that greatly complimented the Birds of Warfare faction.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 5:37:05 PM

I'm pretty hyped for this!

I have to say, though...what's going on with the spelling and grammar in that Debris Field picture? Yikes! That last sentence is something else.

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 7:20:08 PM

I guess this update is more than worthwhile. I'm buing it bundled with EL update. Problem rises however. Which one to play first? When I'll be playing ES2 update Ill be longing o EL update and vice versa. Amplitude! You beasts!

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 7:27:11 PM
Ridiculi wrote:


One question though, does that mean the Hissho minor faction will be removed, or will it be turned into an offshoot minor faction, like the Mavros?

Lardss wrote:

Will the UE still get a Hissho pop at the begining? Will it change? And their racial trait?

SamWAR wrote:

That`s absolutely Awesome! Looking foward to it! Hishos!
ust wanna ask tho, are we going to see big changes to the empire? Since one of their starting populations are now a major faction.
Plus, there will be no more Hishos as a minor faction right?
Shame, their assimilation law is pretty great. But hey, tottaly worth it!

Avagarde wrote:

i like the visual destinction from the minor faction Hissho, will thry be getting a new title to distinguish them from the new major faction?

FunkyDiscoMaggot wrote:

Will the minor faction pop for the United Empire be changed now that the Hissho are going to be a major faction now?

Minor faction Hissho will remain, preserving their original art in diplomacy screen. Population unit is the same for both majot and minor variants. Minor variant should also preserve their ground infantry unit model, while Major have brand new sprites for infantry, tanks and aircraft.

Bonus: Major faction Hissho have less fingers on their palms :D

fenixink wrote:
TableTurning wrote:

Do behemoths have different models for the different factions?

While I can't say anything definitively it is important to note that in the video the Behemoth seems to be newly found Endless Tech so I would expect the factions have not necessarily figured out how to reverse engineer them enough to customize them. Not sure how we will discover them in game though.

Leafy503 wrote:

I wonder if the designs will be faction-specific?

Behemoth hull model is the same for eveybody, as its origin is same for everyone. Unfortunately, due to production constraints, there are no faction-specific variations for Behemoths at the moment.

As for how will they be unlocked, without spoiling much, everyone will get an equal oportunity to get their hands on those. Hissho will have a taste a little bit sooner, as shown in trailer ;) 

OmegaPraetor wrote:

I'm definitely loving the idea, although I am worried that I personally play too slow (i.e., not aggressive enough) to sustain Keii.

Don't you worry, it's rather easy to maintain Keii (it won't drop unless you actively spend it or loosing fights) and plenty of ways to gain it. But there are also perks for having low Keii, making Hissho more dangerous the harder they get hit.

Topher69eze wrote:

I love their ascension, I have been hoping for this since day one of this game, but their ships don't have their original Hissho design in ES(1), which was also hinted in the Endless Space 2 game release/sneak peek trailer, But not in Their Major Faction Intro & details. 

If I may ask why the sudden unexpected change, the original had a more tribal bird like egypt astetic feel thqt greatly complimented the Birds of Warfare faction

Believe me, once you see their ships in rich details in-game, you'll see that their aesthetics are VERY avian and VERY egyptian.

Ashbery76 wrote:

I hope they have done something with the mess that is allainces in this dlc.

Wasn't focus of this DLC, unfortunetaly.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 7:44:40 PM
Sublustris wrote:
Ridiculi wrote:


One question though, does that mean the Hissho minor faction will be removed, or will it be turned into an offshoot minor faction, like the Mavros?

Lardss wrote:

Will the UE still get a Hissho pop at the begining? Will it change? And their racial trait?

SamWAR wrote:

That`s absolutely Awesome! Looking foward to it! Hishos!
ust wanna ask tho, are we going to see big changes to the empire? Since one of their starting populations are now a major faction.
Plus, there will be no more Hishos as a minor faction right?
Shame, their assimilation law is pretty great. But hey, tottaly worth it!

Avagarde wrote:

i like the visual destinction from the minor faction Hissho, will thry be getting a new title to distinguish them from the new major faction?

FunkyDiscoMaggot wrote:

Will the minor faction pop for the United Empire be changed now that the Hissho are going to be a major faction now?

Minor faction Hissho will remain, preserving their original art in diplomacy screen. Population unit is the same for both majot and minor variants. Minor variant should also preserve their ground infantry unit model, while Major have brand new sprites for infantry, tanks and aircraft.

Bonus: Major faction Hissho have more fingers on their palms :D

 Ok,  understandable from a gameplay point of view, but it doesn't hurt to ask, is there any lore explanation for the split groups? Are we dealing with  of dissident group here? Different governments for the same race?  

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 7:54:43 PM

THe short version is that the major faction Hissho are the ones who have been genetically altered for hte blood sports of he Concrete in Sykagoja, while the minor faction are descendents of the original stock.

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 8:00:28 PM

My favourites without doubt. If you Dicide to "uplift" a few of the offer races from ES1, specfically the Amoeba, the Sowers (there is no AI faction) you'll be getting a lot of sales from me for a long time, mechanics look great too.

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 8:02:33 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

THe short version is that the major faction Hissho are the ones who have been genetically altered for hte blood sports of he Concrete in Sykagoja, while the minor faction are descendents of the original stock.

Ah! Great to have an explanation. Thank you for answering.

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 8:26:40 PM
PARAdoxiBLE wrote:

Is that Formerians fighting against Hissho?

I don't think fighting is the correct term. The Fomorians were cybernetically enhanced beings created by the (Concrete?) Endless in order to maintain and watch over their installations, facilities, etc. The Hissho also mention that the Fomorians were their "gods" in the trailer and it appears that the Hissho warrior used that Fomorian as a form of sacrifice to activate the Behemoth. Afterall, it wouldn't make much sense for a Hissho warrior to both fight and butcher something it considers its god. 

Though I could be wrong, hopefully @Slowhands clears this up 

Update: Ignore this lol

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 8:29:21 PM
Hypnoncatrice wrote:

So are behemoths like wonders in other games?

Not necessarily, without spoiling too much, they're not overly expensive late-game constructions that are tied to a specific type of victory. 

They're more akin to the Guardians in Endless Legend, only more customizable, and in larger quantities. 

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 8:31:03 PM

Thanks Cat-0-Nine

That  looks Way better that the old version.  

Thank You Amplitude, now I am gonna have to take some time out to play again. Cat-0-Nine can you share some screen shots of the Behemoths?  And can you expand more on their uses?

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 8:47:17 PM
Suis3i wrote:
Hypnoncatrice wrote:

So are behemoths like wonders in other games?

Not necessarily, without spoiling too much, they're not overly expensive late-game constructions that are tied to a specific type of victory. 

They're more akin to the Guardians in Endless Legend, only more customizable, and in larger quantities. 

Are they mobile, combat oriented spaceships? 

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 9:03:43 PM

Given how Hissho handle approval differently than other factions, do they still get overcolonization/overpopulation disapproval?

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6 years ago
Jul 26, 2018, 9:04:50 PM
Suis3i wrote:

I don't think fighting is the correct term. The Fomorians were cybernetically enhanced beings created by the (Concrete?) Endless in order to maintain and watch over their installations, facilities, etc. The Hissho also mention that the Fomorians were their "gods" in the trailer and it appears that the Hissho warrior used that Fomorian as a form of sacrifice to activate the Behemoth. Afterall, it wouldn't make much sense for a Hissho warrior to both fight and butcher something it considers its god. 

Though I could be wrong, hopefully @Slowhands clears this up 

I translated some of the texts in the trailer 
There are mentions of the sun gods, which I doubt are Fomorians. Maybe virtual endless or the Lost

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