Hi folks,

Endless Space 2 Supremacy is coming to Steam this week, on August 2nd! We're very happy to be bringing another expansion to Endless Space 2, and we hope you'll like it, too! In case you're curious about what's coming up, we'll be publishing the game design documents over the next few days. Here's a closer look at the new major feature of the Supremacy expansion and everybody's favorite new toys, the Behemoths...

Common Gameplay 

A Behemoth is a ship which is larger than a Carrier. The Behemoth's ultimate purpose is to evolve and become specialized. For the most part of the game however, it will have a multi-purpose role determined by its equipped modules and can be used economically or militarily.


  • Behemoths will start with x1 multipliers on their modules. Unlocking new hull types will increase this multiplier up to x8
  • Behemoths will start with a base of HP, and unlocking new hull types will increase this value
  • A player will be able to field a limited number of Behemoths at a given time. This limit can be increased by researching more Behemoth-specific technologies (or building a specific improvement)

  • A Behemoth is the only ship in its fleet. It has a specific size, role, and takes 10CP
  • Behemoth content is unlocked in the tech tree as Behemoth specific technologies. Behemoth techs are visually distinct from regular ones
  • A Behemoth's possible actions on the galaxy map are determined by its equipped modules

The actions are detailed below.



  • The Behemoth will be able to place mining probes on uncolonized planets. The strategic and luxury resources for which the player has the technology will be mined
  • Mining probes have a set duration

Government support

  • Placing the Behemoth in orbit of an owned or allied system will provide FIDS bonuses to the system



  • Research: placing the Behemoth over a special node will provide research points and possibly other research discounts linked to Special node type
  • Analyzer: placing the Behemoth over a special node will intensify the effect of the Special node for the system which has influence over it and/or generate strategic resources

Planet Improvement

All these modules require the player to have the corresponding anomaly/terraformation technologies unlocked.

  • Anomaly Reduction: allows the Behemoth to reduce anomalies on neutral planets
  • Terraformation: allows the Behemoth to terraform neutral planets
  • Rejunevation: allows the Behemoth to refill depleted planets and to reassemble destroyed planets


  • Provides more military slots to the Behemoth
  • Unlocks the tractor beam to be used in Behemoths or Carriers: prevents the enemy retreating from space battles


Once the corresponding Behemoth-tech has been researched, it can become specialized in the one that was unlocked. Specialization is permanent and changes the hull of the Behemoth. A specialized Behemoth can be embedded in a fleet alongside other ships.


Largest and strongest military ship in the game:

  • x8 Multiplier
  • 10 CP
  • Can unlock a special "Ion Wave" ability: destroys all fleets on node (including owned fleet) but leaves the Battleship deactivated for X turns (can't move on the map nor attack in space battle)


The Obliterator is a System destroyer which has a quite weak hull with a very limited amount of slots:

  • Can fire a missile for free once every 20 turns
    • The action can be sped up by paying a Quadrinix and Orichalcix cost which decreases as the timer decreases

  • The missile travels on the map and needs X turns to reach its destination:

  • On impact, the missile will destroy the entire system:
    • All planets are destroyed
    • The sun type might change
    • All player owned assets are destroyed
    • Players can build a shield to keep their assets and suffer only 50% of damages on them
      • Citadels provide a native Obliterator shield (you can reach 100% protection on a Citadel, see below for more details)
  • Systems with a sun type "None" can't be targeted by the Obliterator


The Behemoth embeds itself onto a system and transforms it into a Citadel (so you don't have a ship anymore :)):

  • Provides strong defensive bonuses to the system (more manpower, stronger local troops)
  • Provides a native Obliterator shield
  • Prevents free move for enemies on this node
  • Provides a native guard on the system (no need to have fleets in orbit)
  • Unlock specific Citadel star system improvements that can only be built on Citadels:
    • Planetary Batteries, which will fire during space battles (but won't take part otherwise)
    • Other improvements will focus on defense or industry/science

This should shake up the end game quite a bit, especially considering that we've started working on victory conditions to make them a little harder to reach (more on that in the patch notes tomorrow!)

What's the Behemoth look you like the most?