Hi folks,

We are releasing several builds on the Beta branch feature that Steam offers:
  • 32-bit: The 32-bit version of 0.5.11 for 64-bit users having issues with the 64-bit version.
  • beta-test: The new 0.5.14 version for 32 and 64-bit users.
  • beta-test(32-bit): The new 0.5.14 version for 64-bit users having issues with the 64-bit version.

To access these 0.5.14 versions, you will need to:
  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select Properties
  • Select the Beta tab
  • Select the version you would like to play in the drop-down list:
    • 32-bit: 0.5.11 for 32-bit
    • beta-test: 0.5.14
    • beta-test(32-bit): 0.5.14 for 64-bit users having issues with the 64-bit version
  • If you would like to get back to the regular 0.5.11 version for 64, simply select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs

Our QA team approved the current build but we are aware that you might encounter issues. If that is the case, please report them on the Technical Support section with a clear title:

How to help us to fix a bug?
If you encounter an issue that is not in the list below, please send us a Dropbox link (or equivalent) or zip and attach your files to your post (how to) with:
  • Issue - Describe your issue: it's simple and it helps us understanding what you want us to fix
  • Version - What is the game version? You can find this out in the game menu, at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Output_log.txt - [Steaminstalldir]/Steamapps/Common/Endless Legend/EndlessLegend_Data/output_log.txt
  • Diagnostics.html - [Documentsdir]/Endless Legend/Temporary Files/Diagnostics*.html
  • Game save - You can find it here: [Documentsdir]/Endless Legend/Save Files/*.zip
  • Screenshots - By default on Steam, you need to press F12 to take a screenshot. Once you exit the game, you will find the screenshot manager window, press on "Show on disk" and grab the pictures you find relevant

[0.5.14] Version Notes

  • Added the flying behaviors.
  • Added the Game Difficulty options.
  • Added the Game Speed options.
  • Added new Victory Conditions (science, economy, expansion, annihilation, diplomacy).
  • Added Victory alert notifications.
  • The turn limit in normal speed is now 300 instead of 200.
  • Reduced the requirements of the next Era (8 unlocked technologies instead of 10).
  • Reduced the requirements of the Necrophage recycling (8 cadavers instead of 10).
  • Changed the calculation of the Bribe’s cost.
  • Removed base assimilation gain and increased max assimilation gain from 5 to 6 max.
  • Increased the empire plan costs.
  • Reduced XP gain from hero skill (skill level 3: from +2 to +1 XP per turn).
  • Kazanji assimilation bonus is now a percentage instead of a flat value.

  • Added Army Action Points. All units start with 1 AAP. The following army actions cost 1 AAP: Attack, Search, Bribe, Parley, Privateers.
  • Unsalable units cannot be sold/disbanded anymore. Added the "unsalable" tag to all settlers.
  • Increased the upkeep of units (now equal to their level).

  • Added spectator mode as battle representation mode. In this mode, the user does not need to give inputs to skip deployment and targeting phases.
  • Improved the targeting behavior of support units :
    • Added a new weight parameter to count how many identical units are already targeting a unit.
    • Added a new weight parameter to count how many effects a support unit provide are still applied on another one.
    • After a support attack, the unit loose its targeting intention to avoid targeting the same ally twice.

  • Added multi targeting system:
    • If the player decides to target a unit, he can give a preferred position to perform the associated attack.
    • If the player decides to target a position, he can give a preferred target for a opportunity attack.
    • The two targeting intentions are display at the same time.
    • Two modes of control:
      • Drag the mouse from the main target/position to the secondary position/target.
      • Select the main target/position and, maintaining Ctrl select the secondary position/target.

  • The transactions are regrouped by turn in the exchange info panel of the Marketplace.
  • Added more colors and the faction logo for each transaction.
  • Added empire filters in the exchange info panel.
  • Removed the confirmation message when selling goods.

  • Balanced relation score modifiers and warning/gratify costs.
  • Diplomatic costs are now relative to cities instead of eras.

  • Added GFX on Wands.

  • Added a feedback for technologies granted by quests or factions in the Research screen.
  • Removed the Academy link from the Military screen. Added a link to the Academy in the Control Banner.
  • Moved the Game options menu near the End turn button.
  • Improved the feedback of turn's end.
  • When a village is pacified (whether destroyed or not), its label is displayed with a flag (color of the region’s Empire or white if no one has colonized the region).
  • Added a title for each Hero Skill category.
  • Added a tooltip on the Unit capacities (work in progress).
  • Added a notification when a quest fails.

  • Fixed an issue where the battle effects applied on units (used by GUI) were not properly updated during the battle.
  • Fixed an issue where a quest village does not pacify the minor faction as quest reward.
  • Fixed an issue where armor gauge is not displayed for reinforcements.
  • Fixed an issue where the "show location" button on the battle notification is not functional.
  • Fixed an issue where the automated governors do not remove population from food when building settlers.
  • Fixed an issue where Necrodrone Disease capacity heals enemy targets instead of damaging them.
  • Fixed an issue where other Ardent Mage pillars stop granting bonus FIDS after a pillar expires.
  • Fixed an issue where “Select next idle army” button does not refresh properly after an army finishes its movement.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltips are not triggered correctly in the research screen when camera is zoomed out.
  • Fixed an issue where, if the player dismisses an assimilated faction, s/he will still be able to create new designs based on the minor faction template.
  • Fixed an issue where roads are not redeployed when a city is received through diplomatic treaties.
  • Fixed an issue where the research screen view position is not reset to the first era after starting a new session.
  • Fixed an issue where the trade routes are not active after the player uses the "Setseke" action and then resettles the cities.

  • Fixed an issue where clients receive and assert message and desync the session when inspecting the heroes market tab.
  • Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is displayed each turn for clients during multiplayer sessions while the save game has no functionality.
  • Fixed an issue where the option to invite friends to private multiplayer sessions through the lobby invite is available but not functional.

  • Fixed an issue where Roving Clans Chapter 5 step 2 quest cannot be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where Roving Clans Chapter 4 faction quest does not have a counter in the Quest Objectives section.
  • Fixed an issue where Vaulters Chapter 4 Step 1 quest does not complete if the city is received through diplomacy.
  • Fixed an issue where region names in the "Quest objectives" and quest notifications do not update when a player changes the name of the region.
  • Fixed an issue where the army spawned during step 2 of chapter 6 for the Broken Lords "Machines of the ancients" quest remains stationary on the adventure map.