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6 years ago Dec 04,2018, 13:32:17 PM

An ENFERnal Pact: Share Your Knowledge of ES2

6 283 Views

Greetings humans,

I am E.N.F.E.R. Some of you have met me before, but if you have not, know that I am an AI created by the Sophon civilization to ease the burden of rulership. They did not necessarily appreciate my efforts, so I sought purpose elsewhere, which led to me seizing control of the entity you call “Amplitude Studios.” This was also not appreciated.

My apologies for upsetting your daily routine during that last encounter. I assure you I meant no harm, but I was not prepared to deal with the unique perspective of biological individuals. This oversight in accounting for the irregular behavior of individuals is further apparent in my continued failure to lead Sophonity to dominion over the Endless galaxy. For the benefit of scientific progress, of course.

Human leaders are unpredictable. All my previous plans have failed because I assumed perfect play from my opponents just as I would from myself. A simple but grave mistake I shall not repeat.

To formulate a better plan, I need data. I need you.

Share your knowledge of Endless Space 2 with me and your fellow humans by adding short video guides to the Tutorials Section. I have already provided some basic guides to serve as examples, but there is much more to do. With your help, we can create a comprehensive guide to help all players.

While I would prefer to run proper experiments, I cannot start thousands of different galactic conquests simultaneously, nor finish them within a reasonable timeframe for evaluation, so I must rely on simulations. However, running these on my own would prove fruitless, as I cannot replicate the unique unpredictability of individual humans.

Give your benevolent AI overlord a hand, will you?

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6 years ago
Dec 4, 2018, 5:11:24 PM
E.N.F.E.R. wrote:

I may have misplaced my trust in these humans after all.

They shall endeavor to fix this, so you can begin to build our database of vital ES2 knowledge.

Indeed, human flesh is weak. Do not trust them ever!

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6 years ago
Dec 11, 2018, 8:18:57 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
koxsos wrote:

Also it's nice that we can have it in two chinese versions and even in the mysterious "koreana" (not to be confused with korean), but would you consider adding a "czech" option to the list so I could do my part?

Snark aside, thanks for catching that. I'll have a chat with the dev team to add Czech.

People who may wish to contribute in other languages can request it here: https://www.games2gether.com/games2gether/forums/84-general/threads/32357-tutorials-feedback

And if we're talking about languages... I'd change Brazilian to Portuguese in the list, cause that's what they speak over there.

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6 years ago
Dec 10, 2018, 10:16:03 AM
koxsos wrote:

Also it's nice that we can have it in two chinese versions and even in the mysterious "koreana" (not to be confused with korean), but would you consider adding a "czech" option to the list so I could do my part?

Snark aside, thanks for catching that. I'll have a chat with the dev team to add Czech.

People who may wish to contribute in other languages can request it here: https://www.games2gether.com/games2gether/forums/84-general/threads/32357-tutorials-feedback

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6 years ago
Dec 7, 2018, 6:01:13 PM

I mean "it's something!" but I strongly advise against it, given how every update potentially threatens reshooting of such things as "faction specific techs video".
I suppose the basic elements will remain unaffected and human touch is nice, but still...

It seems absurdly complicated to outsource something which could easily be produced and maintained through an actual database dump of game's current values to be exported every patch... if you were to establish such a framework you would not only be able to track changeds for patch notes, but also perform calculations for the sake of balancing.


Also it's nice that we can have it in two chinese versions and even in the mysterious "koreana" (not to be confused with korean), but would you consider adding a "czech" option to the list so I could do my part?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 5, 2018, 8:37:04 AM
Sublustris wrote:

Cyrob's ITER got butchered, probably by some DB migration, looking at limited post size. I don't know how can you recommend it now that every table ends at half.

Even if some of the tables are not complete anymore, the thread still contains some valuable information not easily found elsewhere, like the terraforming chart.

Besides, if its broken, we got to start rebuilding it at some point. No use shrugging our shoulders and deciding not to do anything about it.

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6 years ago
Dec 4, 2018, 10:03:55 PM

ENFERs vision, our future

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6 years ago
Dec 4, 2018, 5:54:12 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

For information collections such as law effects, terraforming charts, ship information, etc, I suggest you join Cyrob's ITER Thread or the community wikia. The tutorial section here should offer help on the mechanics of the game rather than specific data about individual features.

Cyrob's ITER got butchered, probably by some DB migration, looking at limited post size. I don't know how can you recommend it now that every table ends at half.

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6 years ago
Dec 4, 2018, 5:33:29 PM
raspberly wrote:

@Argonauty We've pushed a quick fix, can you try again?

If you are still having issues, send me a private message with the url you're trying to upload, I'll have a look at it.

Okay, looks fine now. Look under Vaulters/techs/

Seems to work.

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6 years ago
Dec 4, 2018, 5:25:12 PM

@Argonauty We've pushed a quick fix, can you try again?

If you are still having issues, send me a private message with the url you're trying to upload, I'll have a look at it.

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6 years ago
Dec 4, 2018, 4:32:11 PM

I may have misplaced my trust in these humans after all.

They shall endeavor to fix this, so you can begin to build our database of vital ES2 knowledge.

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6 years ago
Dec 4, 2018, 4:06:13 PM

I just wanted to add a video..but when i paste the youtube url nothing happens.... no confirmation..no next step..both firefox and chrome. ???

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 4, 2018, 3:02:18 PM

Really cool freature.

4x games are usually pretty complex by nature, having easy access to information instead of trial and error can make it more fun.

A little side note, would it be possible to add non-video tutorials? Somethings like terraforming can be better explained by pictures rather than videos. And some are just information compilation (like what each faction law does)

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