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6 years ago Dec 18,2018, 14:02:17 PM

With a Little Help from our Friends

1 929 Views

Two weeks ago we introduced the new Tutorials Section. Today we want to introduce you to its companion, the Help Section!


You can post all those burning questions you have about Endless Space 2 there, and other players can share their insights. Upvote answers you find particularly useful on any question, and pick the best answer to your own questions. If you want to refine any questions, you can suggest edits to the original question, and you can edit your answers to always keep them up to date. On particularly popular questions, you can sort the answers by time or by score. While browsing you can see at a glance which questions have been answered and which could benefit from your input.


You can even earn badges for posting popular questions or giving good answers!



What’s a question you’ve always wanted an answer to but haven’t asked yet?

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6 years ago
Dec 18, 2018, 2:21:45 PM

How can I get more badges?

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6 years ago
Dec 18, 2018, 7:08:40 PM

Most of the answers to the more deeper questions such as 'trading mechanics optimization' are like "no one really knows, but we do this, and it helps" :-D

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 18, 2018, 8:27:58 PM

j'aimerais avoir plus de précision sur le combat spatial, je m'explique :

ont équipe nos vaisseaux mais comment ? , que des arme directement à la coque (missile & projectiles diverse) si en face l'énnemi a des bouclier est ce que les missiles doivent d'abord faire tomber les bouclier, pour ensuite faire des dommages à la coque ? ou alors est-ce des dommages direct à la coque ?

maintenant l'inverse, que des arme à énergie, après avoir fait tomber les bouclier, font t'ils des dommages à la coque, si c'est le cas de combien ? vue qu'à la base c'est pas spécifié quelle sont les dégâts que l'arme peu faire, aussi sont t'il plus efficace ? dommage sur la coque doublé triplé voir plus ?

bref voila, car pour moi, avec l'expérience que j'ai des jeux de combat spacial, une arme à énergie après avoir abaissé les bouclier les dégat sur la coque sont plus important ! voir carrément plus !!!! pour les missiles :

Normalement un missile s'en fou complétement et endommage directement la coque !

mais bien sûr, certain bouclier peuvent avoir la capacité de bloqué les projectiles et dans ce cas la résistance du bouclier et endomagé par l'explosion d'un missile, pareil pour tous autre projectiles non énergétique !

voila j'espère que ma où mes questions sont pas trop confu dans le doute :

vso nous appartenant = 450 de coque et 200 de bouclier

énemi = arme d'attaque missile faisant 75 de dégâts à la coque.

notre vso reçois t'il directement les dégat à la coque ( vso nous appartenant après la salve de missile = 375 de coque et 200 de bouclier ou 430 de coque restant et 125 de bouclier restant ? j'extrapole en me disant que les bouclier ont fait explosé la salve de missile à l'impact et absorbant une partie des dommages total du missile, mais due à la dispersion lié à l'explosion, un résidu de dégât à endommagé la coque).

bien à vous

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6 years ago
Dec 18, 2018, 8:30:06 PM
koxsos wrote: Most of the answers to the more deeper questions such as 'trading mechanics optimization' are like "no one really knows, but we do this, and it helps" :-D

There is a wikia but it's not fully filled with info, ES2 does not have the community size to fill out a wiki with the massive amount of detail it mechanics can go into.

This question area would be the best place to ask a question like that, exact breakdowns of how trade route income is calculated would be best given there.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 19, 2018, 9:33:32 AM
CyRob wrote:
koxsos wrote: Most of the answers to the more deeper questions such as 'trading mechanics optimization' are like "no one really knows, but we do this, and it helps" :-D

There is a wikia but it's not fully filled with info, ES2 does not have the community size to fill out a wiki with the massive amount of detail it mechanics can go into.

I checked the wikia, it's outdated feeding false information, cause it's not maintained, it has already proved on its own it can not work and is for matters which have been patched actually counterproductive, to overcome this issue I refer you to the suggestion of automatization of filling the wiki.

Take ITER for example, nice try, but usefullness deteriorates with every patch. I went to forums often, found it 3 months after last post. I simply was not looking for 'ITER'.

Another issue is, who else knows there is a wikia? Official wiki does not link there. Google search might reveal it as a 3rd result following two wikis that act as if wikia did not exist. "Here's some lore and population bonus, gid gud son".

This question area would be the best place to ask a question like that, exact breakdowns of how trade route income is calculated would be best given there.

It's extremely difficult to find specific information in forums, with search results linking to non-existent topics, why would help section be any different?

I actually believe someone did the trading breakdown somewhere in some topic, it just feels out of my reach at the moment and having it duplicated in another section and then possibly "lost" is not a feasible long term solution.
Edit: found the topic, someone dug it up from early access trading company mechanics introduction, and posted it to relevant help question, look at that!
the post itself appears 'unfinished' more like a suggestion, who knows...
is this 2 year old early access version information without detailed description of value calculation valid?
Should I rely on it?
And who is going to produce the detailed value calculation description?
Also the question with the link is currently not "on top" and can be missed.

Rememer ideas?
Create an idea and leave it ignored with close to zero traction, someone makes duplicate suggestion as a forum post 6 months later - instant dev response.

Another question is who will actually answer a question? Seems like devs themselves are asking half of them, it leaves me confused, is it trolling?:"These mechanics are ambigously described or left obscure and unexplained (by us, the dev team, hahaha), give me your best guess players".

Then finally you have offtopics such as "who is CyRob?" in early days of help section you already have information irrelevant to the game right there (no intention to discount all the involvement) it just does not belong there, could be more easily hidden in an offtopic wiki page.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 19, 2018, 10:21:48 AM

The Devs asking questions on-topic & not is just so that the section is not empty on launch and can give players Ideas on what to write (stuff that can be answered by the community, not the devs)

Some data from XML can be converted to a wiki-like thing but would need a lot of work to do for each different File and things like trade income depends on so much across different files that the idea falls apart into unfeasibility.

But you have the XML files so if you personally want to write something that does that, I would support you in that.

The ITER thread is on hold at the mommet as something culled the data on the forums and A HDD failure culled the data on my end, it takes a huge amount of time to prep the data for it and I'm quite busy unfortunately so have not had a chance to rebuild it.

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6 years ago
Dec 19, 2018, 1:17:57 PM

The tutorials and help sections are meant to give the community tools to help each other, not to replace the expansive collection of detailed information you would expect of a wiki. The help section in particular could cover a wide range of questions – from lore to gameplay, and from general to specific – to which the answers of experienced players may be more valuable than a factual breakdown of game mechanics and data or a flavor text quote from the game. We also expect to see questions like “Will there be an Endless Day next year?” or “When will you have another faction creation contest?” that relate to Amplitude and the community, and would not suit a game-specific wiki. If people tag their questions properly and use the voting features, the Help should be easier to search for relevant questions and answers than the forums.

We know that many players would like an easily accessible source of detailed information about the game, and we agree that it would be useful. For that reason, we would like to put all the important information on the wikia eventually, but we can invest only so much time each day into that. Help from the community would speed up progress tremendously. We will make sure to redirect people to the community wikia as it grows.

As far as the questions by devs and VIPs are concerned: As Cyrob points out, we did not want to launch an empty help section, so seeded it with some basics. Some of those questions just happen to refer to jokes made in the community.

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6 years ago
Dec 21, 2018, 9:55:22 AM
koxsos wrote:

Most of the answers to the more deeper questions such as 'trading mechanics optimization' are like "no one really knows, but we do this, and it helps" :-D

Let make more great animation.

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6 years ago
Dec 21, 2018, 7:01:34 PM

What you need is a working Wiki, where players can contribute. Paradox wouldn't be as successful as they are without these:


Most of the content and contribution will come from players anyway, you only have to offer the basic structure and the site itself.

Wiki articles which explain mechanics in detail are way more helpful than any video. Everytime you don't understand something you can just look up the matching article.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 25, 2018, 7:02:14 PM

Can we expect Tutorials & Help sections for other games as well?

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6 years ago
Dec 28, 2018, 10:35:22 PM

I mean, really, lets get overarching with these things

We could use some tutorials for.....

  • Fleet layouts: best ship layouts and combinations for both general and specific purposes (aknowleging there may be no "best" setup)
  • High level strategy: How to win as X, by way of Y for every possible race and victory condition possible.
    • Counter Strategy: How to counter an X trying to do Y as an A trying to do B
  • MinMax SystemLayouts: This type of planet, with this specialization, with this population composition, under this government with this law = the most FIDS or just the most of a specific thing.
  • MinMax Hero Assignment: This race with this hero as governor and this other hero leading a fleet with this setup.
  • Galaxy layout exploitation (guard this, leave this vulnerable on purpose, If you see this put some privateers out there, etc.)
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6 years ago
Jan 2, 2019, 11:34:44 AM

redsimonDE, we have the Endless Space 2 community wikia, which I'll be trying to promote more as a way to collect important information, and hopefully recreate much of Cyrob's ITER thread there.

Happyhead, I agree that information like that would be useful for many players. Those are the types of questions we expect to see in the Help section, as the tutorials are meant to be more about "How to play the game" than about "How to do well."

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6 years ago
Feb 25, 2019, 2:29:56 PM
CyRob wrote:


But you have the XML files [...]

Where can I have this treasure my friend ?

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