The most expected gaming event of the year this side of the Seine river will be happening soon, and yes, the big poster gave it away: we're talking about the Endless Day Beer2Gether! Come hang out with our dev team, ask them all the questions, share a drink or two!

You're more than welcome to join us on January 24th (it's a Thursday), starting at 7pm, in our Paris studio. We will be providing food and beverages including our very own Dust-infused beer, as well as some goodies, as long as our stocks last! We'll also have non-alcoholic drinks available, as well as an offering of vegetarian and vegan snacks.

Please note that spots are limited (there's only so much room!), and that registration is required to attend. Click here to save your spot!

We can't wait to see you!


If you can't make it to Paris, we have exciting stuff in store for you: on January 17th, we will host the Penumbra preview Endless Day stream on Twitch (subscribe here!) with Romain aka SpaceTroll discussing the past year and where we're headed next, some goodies giveaways as well as the Endless Day in-game events! 

It will be a busy week, so we hope you're ready....