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6 years ago Feb 06,2019, 16:02:00 PM

Community Scenario: Back to Basics

4 333 Views

Hey everybody,

Have you ever found yourself returning to the same settings time and again, all your games following familiar paths? Are you looking to extend your time in the Endless universe, but don't want to return to the same old sights? Then the Community Scenarios might be for you!

Every month, we will share saves and settings (and sometimes story) for our games meant to provide interesting challenges to seasoned players and newcomers alike. You can enter a hall of fame for each Scenario, or just share your experiences and discuss strategies.

Some of you may already be familiar with these scenarios from the forums, but it's time to take this small project to the big stage.

With this scenario, we want to celebrate Amplitude's 8th anniversary and the growth of our community, and welcome all the new fans who have joined us during Endless Day, the Lunar Sales, or by trying the Endless Space Collection they received for joining Games2Gether. For that reason, we're taking it easy and going back to basics this month, instead of going crazy with the settings. We're returning to some old favorites from Endless Space 1, and reduced the amount of strange places and resources in the galaxy, so our seasoned veterans may have to do with more basic tools than you are used to win as quickly as you can. In fact, we're taking it so far back to the basics that we have included settings for Endless Space 1 as well, so everybody has a chance to join. 

You can join us next Monday, February 11th, at 4:30PM CET on Twitch for a stream of this scenario.

Have fun!


Endless Space 2 Settings

United Empire (Player)
Sophon (AI)
Cravers (AI)
Horatio (AI)
Difficulty: AnyGame Speed: Any
Victory Types: All
Objective: Win as quickly as possible
Galaxy: Small Spiral-4Constellations: ManyDensity: HighSeed: 82617
Galaxy Age: NormalNode Connectivity: HighPirate Difficulty: Normal
Minor Factions: Medium/Normal
Resources: LowCuriosities: LowAnomalies: LowSpecial Nodes: Low
Random Events: RareAcademy Quest: OffMultiplayer Quests: OffBehemoth Quest: Off

Saves: All DLC (Serious Difficulty) CS1902-All.sav, No DLC (Normal Difficulty) CS1902-None.sav

Endless Space 1 Settings

United Empire (Player)
Sophon (AI)
Cravers (AI)
Horatio (AI)
Difficulty: AnyGame Speed: Any
Victory Types: All
Objective: Win as quickly as possible
Galaxy: Small Spiral-4Constellations: ManyDensity: HighSeed: 82617
Galaxy Age: NormalNode Connectivity: HighWormholes: HighConstellation Distance: Average
Resources: LowPirate Difficulty: Normal
Random Events: Rare
Exploration Events: Yes
System Balancing: AveragePlanets per System: NormalPlanet Size: NormalWonder and Unique Planets: Yes

Save: CS1902-ES1.zip

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6 years ago
Mar 2, 2019, 10:13:15 PM

Seeing all these people finishing under 100 turns on Serious makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong. Might just be different speeds. Anyways, here's a turn 144 victory on Hard.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 19, 2019, 12:25:28 AM

Beelined powerleveling heroes and selling them for dust using the AI trick I discovered in the previous post, and ended with a turn 83 science Victory.

Governments: Science/Military for the ability to skip the tier 4 techs, +30% growth, and +40 happiness from occupying two enemy home systems.

Yes, that is a level 140 hero by turn 83, giving +70% industry to all systems from her Imperial senator skill.

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6 years ago
Feb 16, 2019, 6:20:38 AM

WARNING:  A stupid amount of broken combos and abusing AI behavior went into this and might be considered going against the spirit of the game.  However, speed running is basically finding these and exploiting them to the maximum potential to achieve victory as quick as possible.

Tried really hard to achieve a sub turn 100 science victory, but only managed to win by turn 106 while pulling out all the cheese, exploiting AI behavior, and min-maxing I knew.  In the process of this speed run, I discovered several more broken combos and AI behavior exploits, that if you beelined towards, can probably give you a turn 80-90ish science win or a turn 70-80ish economic win.

The main limitations are the low amounts of antimatter for F-Reality institute spam, lack of tier 3 science luxuries, and small map resulting in accidentally winning via conquest from just 19 systems so you can't snowball science by conquering most of the galaxy.

The third problem was easy to solve: form an alliance with the Sophons so your alliance now requires 35 systems to win conquest.  I conquered and then traded for all of the Sophon's systems except for one, allowing me to have a maximum of 33 systems.  (33 of mine + 1 of Sophon puts me at 34/35 for conquest).  Allies will generally trade one or two systems for a piece of technology, so you basically get these systems for just the influence cost of the deal.  The alliance also helps with the science victory since you can win by just researching Endless 3 techs, and then trading 3 of them to your ally to get the 6 total techs required.

My main source of science and win condition does not kick in until lategame:  Gas Giant systems with food production heroes and 2x tier 3 food system improvements, convert the thousands of food into industry --> convert 50% industry into science with Urgent AI Research --> Multiply the science with the +40% system science per pop on Gas Giants.

I decided to go with Imperials instead of Mezari, since production snowballs everything else and being able to get enough influence and dust (doubling Imperial's Industry --> Influence trait at 50 pop) to rush essential science structures and my win condition immediately upon finishing the research is stronger than Mezari's 15% science and -10% tech cost bonus.  The massive amounts of influence Imperials gives you also allows you to do a lot of diplomacy manipulation.  I also had a the +0.5% industry per level on ALL systems on the starting industrialist hero and wanted to keep that bonus.

So some of the cheese and AI behavior exploits I discovered and abused in the process behind optimizing this run:

1)  AI will continuously attack your fleets and won't stop no matter what if they are trying to invade a given system.  I exploited this tendency by taking a system in the middle of the Cravers and turtling on it.  I baited the Cravers into going mass short range slug ships by initiating with pure torpedo ships, and then I defended with a fleet with mass Improved Reactive Plating (+0.01 XP per damage absorbed), which gave my heroes a lot of experience.

NOTE:  You need to have enough torpedo ships so that the AI will continue to make slug ships, and your Improved Reactive Plating ships needs to be the strongest fleet on the system so that it will be the one to defend and feed XP to your heroes.

2)  I sold heroes for gold upon reaching certain checkpoints to rush buy essential structures on all my systems.  A level 25 hero, which is possible in around 5 battles from this strategy, sells for 50k.  For reference, the cumulative galactic gold production at this point is probably less than 1,000.  I then dropped my happiness levels and ran a gold deficit by taking all the reduced gold laws, which lowered the inflation so I could buy a LOT of system improvements and ships with the 50k gold.

3)  I got the tier 4 industry law (+6 industry per pop) by turn 66.  I rushed Xeno Anthropology to allow me to switch governments early on and stayed at a low amount of systems for low costs, and constantly swapped governments to force elections.  I did a swap to dictatorship at turn 55, which gave me a turn 60 guarenteed industry election, followed by a turn 61 industry election from the normal election timing.

4)  Trading AI useless systems within the sphere of influence of another one of your systems will give you a lot of diplomatic pressure against them, letting you do advanced demands on them for gold/science/techs/resources every few turns.

End of game victory screen:

The dips in the graph are from when I sold a high level hero, and the recovery next turn is from when I spent that gold the next turn (after reducing inflation) buying out system improvements and ships.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 14, 2019, 7:23:46 AM

I have a save from turn 218. Here it is.

Now that you mention it, at some point, clicking the endturn button ended the turn, but tech progress, dust income and movement points were not restored. Reloading the game fixed it.


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6 years ago
Feb 11, 2019, 10:00:41 AM


My game was definitely slower!

I initially begun with Industrialist/Militarist gameplay, but around mid-game, events and minor faction population gave Pacifist a wide slice of the government, so I decided to play along, to make the game more narrative. I then aimed to economic victory and allied with the Sophons.

I really enjoyed the fact that strategics and luxuries were scare, so I had to fight/bargan for them with other empire and adapt tech to use mostly the ones I secured. I think I will always use this setting in normal games!


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6 years ago
Feb 11, 2019, 3:08:32 AM

Hearing about people winning on turn 65 and so forth, all this has taught me is how terrible I am at this game. Congrats to all, it's been fun learning! Looking forward to the stream tomorrow. 

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6 years ago
Feb 10, 2019, 1:55:35 PM

Nice Skeezi :)  I agree with you too small map for a supremacy / conquest as it will be possible way fast. Still impressive to see on standard speed and loving that you timed for the quick movent hero.

I did one on endless with 10 competititors "back in the days" https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forums/65-general/threads/31512-glorious-ada-arr-overview-thread?page=1#post-269815

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 10, 2019, 10:11:07 AM

I think Supremacy and Conquest victory should be disabled for these challenges since they're too easy to quickly win by just spamming ships and exploiting the AI's lack of ability in fighting.

With that said, I had a turn 46 supremacy victory on my first attempt without knowing the map:

The gameplan was to aggresively scout, rush to Hunter Ships and just run to each faction's capital and taking them.  The limiting factor for this strategy is movement speed to get to the 3x capitals, so I needed to get a high level seeker for the +5 fleet movement bonus in addition to double free movement.  Fortunately, the UE main quest chain gives you a lvl 5 seeker very early on in the game if you plan towards it.  I saved curiosities until turn 5, then timed the 10th curiosity to be right before hitting 75 relations with hacked yields on a minor faction to complete the next stage in one turn, and was able to get Petra Mandzukic by turn 15.

A significant portion of my dust and research came from minor factions, and I stockpiled influence + dust to instantly get 2x Hunters upon finishing the research.  Influence buys 2x empty Hunter hulls and the gold upgrades them.

I made a several suboptimal plays:

1)  I rushed the market but it was a waste since there was nothing to buy to get a quick system upgrade.

2)  I colonized too many systems early and got a lvl 2 system level before turn 20, which gave me industrialist as the main party instead of science, so I couldn't unlock the Star Boogie bill for +3 movement speed.

3)  Hunter class ships wern't needed since the AI's fleet by the time I hit the capital were weak enough that tier 1 ships would have been able to beat them, so there were some wasted turns on that tech

I did several more speedrun attempts (one for Supremacy and one for Conquest) after knowing the map/minor faction positions/curiosity rolls/etc with a more optimized build after learning from my previous mistakes.  I got a dust to dust quest which gives you a 50/50 chance of getting either 50 titanium or 50 hyperium on the second part, and I save scummed it to get the hyperium reward.  I got a turn 37 Supremacy and a turn 52 Conquest victory on my best attempts.

Will try to speedrun a science/economic victory at some point in the future.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 10, 2019, 9:04:07 AM
joejean19 wrote:

Couldn't figure out how to start this save file... Am I suppose to enter the settings manually then launch?

Where in ES2 do I drop the file I downloaded? Cs1902-All.sav

Instructions would help.


I think, without trying it myself, that you can download the CS1902-All.sav file, then move it to the ES2 saved games folder (for me, and I think default, that is; C:/Users/[Your user]/Documents/Endless Space 2/Save files/ ).

Then I would assume that you can just load the "CS1902-All" file as you would load any of your other saved games from inside the game.

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6 years ago
Feb 9, 2019, 5:16:20 PM

Couldn't figure out how to start this save file... Am I suppose to enter the settings manually then launch?

Where in ES2 do I drop the file I downloaded? Cs1902-All.sav

Instructions would help.


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6 years ago
Feb 9, 2019, 11:22:57 AM

I finished the ES 2 no DLC at turn 169, conquest victory. I wasn't really trying to complete it quickly. The low resources were something new, I usually play with the standard settings and it so I had to put more thought on how I spend my luxury and strategic resources for this game. Not having any Hyperium was awkward but having Bilgeli and Edin incense made the game bearable. 

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6 years ago
Feb 8, 2019, 4:21:28 PM

Regarding this, I threw an idea together: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/2372-monthly-scenario-implementation

Love that you're doing this now, guys. Thank you! :)

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6 years ago
Feb 6, 2019, 5:03:59 PM

Oh look at you, you got yourself a devblog, hell I am in!
So first playthrough using the DLCs save, no peeking, turn 67 victory, will provide vid after it uploads.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 8, 2019, 1:45:28 PM

I would like a scenario as a "custom faction challenge mode" - making the best custom faction for the challenge and scoring X victory in minimum turns, issue there is, that even with a seed and settings you find yourself randomly placed on the map :-D

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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 5:04:19 PM
Celeir wrote:

If it's going to be regular thing, maybe it should be added to main menu (similarly to News at Pillars of Eternity (?))

Definitely. It would be amazing if this could be put into the main menu. To take it a step further, if it could be implemeted with an automated leaderboard and the ability to launch the scenario automatically, that would be fantastic.

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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 4:59:55 PM

A fantastic idea and i'm looking forward to joining in. I do hope it becomes a regular feature maybe with the option of being able to revisit favourite games direct from the in game menu ?

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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 4:23:36 PM

If it's going to be regular thing, maybe it should be added to main menu (similarly to News at Pillars of Eternity (?))

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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 10:10:39 AM

Long ago I proposed something similar to this as well: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/282-single-player-story-campaign

I was told it was Out of Vision!  Hmph!

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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 8:32:29 AM
Salterius wrote:

next monday is indeed 11th and not 10th

Curse this calendar and its weeks starting on a Sunday!

Thanks for catching that. I've fixed it now.

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6 years ago
Feb 6, 2019, 10:43:03 PM

This is a really good idea.  I really hope a scenario option is implemented in the main menu's UI later down the line.

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6 years ago
Feb 6, 2019, 5:35:33 PM

Hey, that's almost something I proposed some time ago :D https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/1485-e-n-f-e-r-challenge-mode

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