Hey everybody,

Do any of you remember April 1st of last year? On that day, we briefly glimpsed perfection as we imagined a new standard in Horatio dating simulators. Back then, we honestly had no plans to follow through on it, for while we could imagine this perfect game, we could not imagine any way to truly capture the experience of dating Horatio, for who can earn his love but himself?

However, at Amplitude we always strive to listen closely to our community. And what we heard were a lot of requests for a Horatio-based experience. A LOT of them. In fact, there were so many remarks about it that they might as well have been clones, with a few remarkable exceptions.

Now, after a year of tinkering, we have finally been able to enhance a select few members of the community team to be able to deliver a true-to-vatgrown-life Horatio experience. We hope you will appreciate their great effort on your behalf, for they will never be the same… No, actually, they will forever be the same, as each other, for they have probably become Horatio. Check out some of their work below.

We can guess what you are thinking right now.

No. This is not actually an April fool’s joke. We’re serious.

Part 1 of “Love Thyself – A Horatio Story” is available now on Steam for FREE, andwe have dedicated a new forum to it.

Check back later this spring for part 2 and the exciting clone-clusion of this Horatio story!

Have fun,

The Amplitude Team.