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5 years ago Aug 09,2019, 13:59:41 PM

Thank you for your Contributions

4 579 Views

Hello everyone,

It’s been a while since I was personally able to give you news about Endless Space 2! I hope you all are having a great summer playing games and that those of you who live in places where it’s a bit too hot right now are finding solace in the vacuum of space. Endless Space 2’s development continues with the NGD team working on a new expansion, and some more work being done to fine-tune the game. You may have noticed that we have recently updated many of your entries in the Ideas section. We’ve been making a strong push to get as many of the Ideas updated to their current status, and finally validated the implemented Ideas that had been waiting for the “Implemented” blue lightbulb for so long. This also meant re-evaluating many of the Ideas we had previously tagged with other statuses. We wanted to take a moment to discuss this and what this means for the future of the Ideas section.

Since the Ideas section went live, you submitted a collective 2380 Ideas, and we were thrilled by your enthusiastic response. We evaluated your suggestions through regular meetings, saw what complemented our vision, what could be adapted, and what would be better suited for a different game. In total, we assigned a status to the 192 most popular Ideas, and implemented 77 of these, and Endless Space 2 is a better game for it. Some of these will sound familiar: Space Battle Special Weapons (made it in various updates and expansions), All old Factions Present in some way (all Endless Space factions are now present, except the Automatons), Destabilize the Senate of other factions (possible through hacking), Ships created for more than war (not a 1:1 implementation, but we have non-fighting Behemoths to fill that niche), Buildable Orbital System Defenses (the Citadel specialization lets you build two levels of orbital defense cannon), Give Back to Unique Planets their glory Past (implemented in the Celestial Worlds content pack, along with various events for the Vaulters & Hissho).

We think the ideas section was a huge step in the right direction, both in terms of usability for the community, and of follow-up for us. Your amazing creativity has already provided us with plenty of community suggestions that we can dive back into for more worthy ideas. We will disable new submissions for Endless Space 2 the time being, but you can still discuss and upvote the many great ideas for the game that have been shared over the last few years.

We will keep working with you all to keep improving our games. We are moving forward with other community features, such as the recent vote on a hero in the next expansion (which we can’t wait to show you!) and the current vote on an Academy flagship. Additionally, we have been working on a balance patch for Endless Space 2 based on your feedback; it will be released this August. 

Finally, we want to thank you for your involvement with Endless Space 2 and the Amplitude community!

This Endless summer is just beginning…


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5 years ago
Aug 18, 2019, 5:21:16 PM
Fuzzball_7 wrote:

After reading this post I'm wondering a few things: If we still want to make suggestions for little new things in ES2 (e.g. small gameplay features, UI improvements) where should we post these? In the Game Design forum? How does one decide when an idea is "big" enough to go in the Ideas section?

Or are you saying the Ideas section is no longer going to be running at all? Does that mean ES2 is no longer receiving improvement suggestions from the players?

ES2 is at the end of its lifetime, the next DLC (altough depending on how well it sells) will likely be the last one so it makes sense to disable the ideas section. The last train has passed and the station closes.

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5 years ago
Aug 12, 2019, 6:49:59 PM

I just find odd that something as small as changing the aesthethics of a planet is considered out of scope specially when it was labeled as possible, abandoned 2 years and then dropped.

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5 years ago
Aug 13, 2019, 9:38:21 AM

This is going to be great and already I believe this is the best 4X game ever made, I like everything about it from hidden mysterious lore of the endless to the amazing beauty and play mechanics of this game, I searched everywhere for a game that compares and found none not even stellaris with it's 1000 confusing mods.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Aug 13, 2019, 2:57:32 PM

Ťhat is good new.

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5 years ago
Aug 13, 2019, 7:58:54 PM

Governments and Laws

  • Federation's over colonization threshold now increases only with heroes that represent the political parties currently in the senate.
  • Saints & Sinners now gives +20 Approval on all Systems and an additional +20 Approval on Systems with governors

Why change these!? My empire is in constant rebelion now! 

Saints & Sinner was a good last effort to maintain order in the vast empire... Now its full of grumpy citysens

Can you atleast make S&S have forced to conten(happynes) and add som penatilels to dust and influence insted?

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Aug 14, 2019, 8:05:07 AM

Whether you post on the forums or in the ideas section has no impact on the scope of the ideas you submit, the scope of ideas we can implement, and which ideas synergize with the overall vision for the game, so it has no bearing on which suggestions we implement.

So from this comment, it appears to me that since ideas that were previously flagged as Must Have ('Nearly there...') were parked and subsequently binned while the team was busy cutting and pasting new factions to sell DLC, doesn't really matter what we do as a community, is that correct?

I mean let's face it, the ideas section was essentially the equivalent of a 'feedback box' at an abandoned gas station.

In summary, can we take it that the true sentiment from the original post is 'we were thrilled by your enthusiastic response - please keep shouting into the abyss while we pump out the DLC we had planned anyway'

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Aug 14, 2019, 4:52:06 PM
Thrak wrote:

Whether you post on the forums or in the ideas section has no impact on the scope of the ideas you submit, the scope of ideas we can implement, and which ideas synergize with the overall vision for the game, so it has no bearing on which suggestions we implement.

So from this comment, it appears to me that since ideas that were previously flagged as Must Have ('Nearly there...') were parked and subsequently binned while the team was busy cutting and pasting new factions to sell DLC, doesn't really matter what we do as a community, is that correct?

I mean let's face it, the ideas section was essentially the equivalent of a 'feedback box' at an abandoned gas station.

In summary, can we take it that the true sentiment from the original post is 'we were thrilled by your enthusiastic response - please keep shouting into the abyss while we pump out the DLC we had planned anyway'

Indeed, i understand that there are probably several ideas that are extremely far away from the games original vision and implementing them would require to make a whole new game or something similar, but there were several simple ideas that could ve been added, took alot of effort and were praised by a good part of the community, whats even worse is the fact that some ideas were apparently accepted by the devs only to be abandoned for years to end up as "out of vision" years later, i feel people should care alot more about this.

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5 years ago
Aug 16, 2019, 7:34:46 PM

After reading this post I'm wondering a few things: If we still want to make suggestions for little new things in ES2 (e.g. small gameplay features, UI improvements) where should we post these? In the Game Design forum? How does one decide when an idea is "big" enough to go in the Ideas section?

Or are you saying the Ideas section is no longer going to be running at all? Does that mean ES2 is no longer receiving improvement suggestions from the players?

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5 years ago
Aug 12, 2019, 2:35:45 PM
PARAdoxiBLE wrote:

Can't wait to see a new expansion and a balance patch for ES2 :D


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5 years ago
Aug 20, 2019, 7:37:38 PM

Vous n'avez pas choisi une seule des idées que j'avais repérées, comme quoi on à vraiment pas la même vision de votre jeu. :-)
Bon c'est peut etre aussi que je n'ai pas jeter un oeil a toutes les idées, il y en avait trop et pas une seule en francais.
De toute facon NGD n'a jamais terminé Master of Orion, et Endless Legend est bien trop éthéré pour que l'on puissereconnaitre leur patte.

Translation by American Artificial Intelligence (Google):

You did not pick one of the ideas that I had seen, that we really do not have the same vision of your game. :-)

Well it may be that I did not take a look at all the ideas, there were too many and not one in French.

Anyway NGD never really finished Master of Orion, and Endless Legend is too ethereal for us to recognize their footprint.

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5 years ago
Aug 21, 2019, 9:15:18 AM

behemots are bad for the game in the current form. 

hacking is boring and annoying.

food is mostly useless.

energy weapons are the best.

diplomacy is broken.

the Ai is dumb.

the list goes on

there are topics on each problem. these are big problems and need a fix

and in the new dlc i saw you want to give all factions a new trait like hacking or behemots were....both were bad and made all faction play the same more and more. don't go in that direction you are not stellaris and custom factions are broken and not balanced in this game.

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5 years ago
Aug 27, 2019, 11:46:44 PM
aerothgow wrote:

behemots are bad for the game in the current form. 

hacking is boring and annoying.

food is mostly useless.

energy weapons are the best.

diplomacy is broken.

the Ai is dumb.

the list goes on

there are topics on each problem. these are big problems and need a fix

and in the new dlc i saw you want to give all factions a new trait like hacking or behemots were....both were bad and made all faction play the same more and more. don't go in that direction you are not stellaris and custom factions are broken and not balanced in this game.

it is go to far. l thought the dev team was make a effort to make the game great.

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5 years ago
Oct 23, 2019, 11:02:16 AM

Oh I never caught up that this post also means you killed the ideas submission, and I just wanted to propose bug report tools. =D

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4 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 9:09:53 PM
Vody wrote:

Thank you Amplitude for the effort you put into the game and thanks a lot for considering to implement new ideas. But if I may, would my idea not be suitable for the game?  I think being able to filter out buildings depending on what they would do would not hurt.

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4 years ago
Sep 15, 2020, 6:51:45 PM

Will the ideas menu reopen in the future? Because I would like to post my ideas about this game.

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5 years ago
Aug 9, 2019, 2:09:31 PM
I really look forward to a new expansion. I really hope that it turns out to be very good. However, if possible, can you consider one of my ideas?

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