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5 years ago Aug 26,2019, 14:59:41 PM

PAX West: The Zen of Strategy Narrative with Jeff Spock

1 781 Views

We know many of you deeply love the Endless Universe, and so do we. We are always delighted to see so many involved discussions about even the smallest minutiae of the lore in our games. Yet how can we talk about the Endless Universe when the very nature of our games means that there a countless variations of this universe, all equally valid? How do you build a consistent world in a strategy game with procedurally generated maps and the fate of entire planets or even galaxies in the hands of the players? Do you pour details into quests and pre-defined characters to tell a story you have in mind, or does the narrative emerge from the events of the game itself that shape the way players view the actors they encounter?

To answer these and many other questions about narrative design in our games, we are joining not one, but two panels at Pax West this year!

  • On Friday, 9:00-10:00PM PST, our Narrative Emperor Director Jeff Spock (aka Slowhands) will join Rock Paper Shotgun’s “Historical Strategy Panel with a Genuine Roman Ghost” together with several other experienced designers and directors, to talk about how we apply this to Humankind.
  • On Saturday 11:30AM-12:30PM PST, we will host our own panel about “Stories without Stories: The Zen of Strategy Narrative,” featuring Narrative Director Jeff, Executive Producer Jean-Max (SwornPlayer), Communication Manager Natacha (Natco), and Community Member/VIP GamerUnderDevelopment.
  • You can tune in to our panel live on Twitch (2:30-3:30pm EST, 8:30-9:30PM CEST). Set your reminder here!
  • We will also host a Beer2Gether in Seattle! Find more information in this other blogpost.

We hope you'll tune in and enjoy learning more about our narrative design process!

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