Hi everyone,

As promised, Endless Legend will reach the Beta tonight and we are hoping you will enjoy it! smiley: smile

Once again, here's what it will include:
  • Two new playable major factions: the Ardent Mages and the Roving Clans
  • Multiplayer mode with up to six players out of eight in the final game
  • Enhanced Battle system (Battle Pace / City Militia / Moral Boost / Upgraded Deployment)
  • Ships and Harbours, you can now go explore and colonise the world beyond the ocean!
  • Addition of Roads and Trade Routes
  • Improved Diplomacy: new Diplomatic Treaties, AI diplomatic behaviour, Counter Proposal option
  • Addition of Privateers: mercenaries bought in the marketplace who can attack anyone without revealing exactly whose side they are on…

For more info, check out the release notes below.

Early Access Discount

As usual, the 25% Alpha discount will go down to 10% now we have reached the Beta. However, you will now also be able to get the Founder Pack upgrade if you're willing to go for the extra content. Please note that this upgrade will only be available for the duration of the Beta of Endless Legend: once the game is officially released (out of Beta), it will be too late!

Beta - Release Notes [0.5.10]

smiley: warning AS A REMINDER, IF YOU WERE PLAYING ON THE BRANCH UPDATE, DON'T FORGET TO "OPT OUT OF ALL BETA PROGRAMS": Right click on the game in your Steam library > Properties > Betas > "NONE - opt out of all beta programs".

  • Added the multiplayer mode: you can now play with up to 6 players, just create a normal game, then choose "public multiplayer" as a session option.
  • Added a "Battles Pace" option in the new game advanced settings: you can set the game timers, and also choose to control every round of your battles (choose Encounter Sequence "Advanced").
  • Added the Ardent Mages major faction: their gameplay is focused around spells that you can cast below the top left menu bar in game.
  • Added the Roving Clans major faction: their gameplay is focused around the marketplace.
  • Added Ships and Harbour district improvements: you can now go explore and colonise the world beyond the ocean!
  • Added the Privateers: all mercenaries bought in the marketing place can attack anyone without revealing who they fight for.
  • Added Roads and Trade Routes: you can research them and then build them from your city.
  • Added a Trade Routes summary on the Empire screen.
  • Added the City Militia: it will help you defend your precious cities (1 per City, +1 for Main City).
  • Improved the siege of City and implemented the City Ownership.
  • A City Garrison can reinforce battles that are launched outside the city (if the city is not besieged).
  • During a battle launched outside a besieged city, the city tiles can be used in deployment if the battle involved the besieged empire and the besieger.
  • A garrison of a besieged city can reinforce a battle (that is launched outside the city) only if it involves the besieged empire and the besieger.
  • When attacking a city without garrison but with a reinforcement army around, this army is considered as main garrison for the defender.
  • Added the defence value to the City label. The units count (which now includes the militia) and the defence value are now always visible, even on enemy cities.
  • Updated the Moral effect in battle which is represented by white dots on units in battle. Moral boosts units fighting abilities
  • An army stays on the map when the Hero is the only remaining unit.
  • Improved the battle deployment.
  • Added new feedback during the deployment phase: the time line of units and the life bars upon the units.
  • Improved the Diplomacy system: added new diplomatic treaties and the AI empire can now make diplomatic proposals.
  • Added the counter-proposal option to the diplomatic notification.
  • Improved the exploration behaviour of the AI empires.
  • An AI empire can assign heroes as generals or governors.
  • Enabled the automated governors.
  • Added a balanced automated governor option.
  • Added several missing category icons to the technologies.
  • Reduced cost of 2nd and 3rd assimilation.
  • Added +1 Influence on boroughs.
  • Reduced the Approval Bonus from the Necrophage Sacrifice (30 instead of 40).
  • Added effects to the Broken Lords "Dust Crematorium": it now gives 100% of a battle XP reward as additional Dust bonus.
  • Removed Vaulter third starting unit, but added a new Vaulter trait (+1 Resource per extractor).
  • Removed the Extractor from the list of build-able improvement if there is no one left.
  • Slightly increased resource price on market (uncommon/rare compared to common)
  • Slightly reduced unit price inflation modifier on market (from 1.2 to 1.1), and increased hero price inflation modifier (from 1 to 1.1).

  • Added the End turn timers (in the Advanced Game Settings):
    • End Turn Timer Mode: base duration of one turn.
    • Per City: extra time multiplied by the number of cities for the player having the most. Formula -> endTurnTime + timePercity * numberOfCities.
    • Last player: timer enabled when one player has not finished the turn.

  • Villages and ruins are now exploitable and have FIDSI.
  • Region FIDSI are displayed when building a city or a district.

  • Changed the values of the Stockpiles:
    • Level 2: 700 instead of 840
    • Level 3: 1150 instead of 2000

  • The Vaulters affinity has been modified: they can use all strategic resources as boosters.
  • They can have only 1 strategic booster activated at a time. The current booster activated becomes the Holy Resource.
  • Each strategic booster gives FIDS bonuses on each City:
    • Titanium : +20% Science
    • Glassteel : +20% Dust
    • Adamantian : +20% Industry
    • Palladian : +20% Food
    • Mithrite : +15% Industry, +15% Dust
    • Hyperium : +15% Food, +15% Science

  • The Hero equipment change and the Unit retrofit are not available anymore if not in a region that the player owns. Also taking into account the lack of resources when in a besieged city.
  • Army upkeep is now equal to max number of units authorized in army.
  • Enabled the "Select Empire" button in the New Game screen, and added a Faction Selection screen.
  • Added an enhanced animation mode (when building a new city or a region building).
  • Improved the visual of oceans.
  • Removed the autosaves in the list of saves when saving (only showing them when loading) and added the turn number to the autosaves' title.
  • Added the possibility to enter the quantity directly in the Negotiation and Marketplace screens.
  • Added a "Silence between music tracks" option.
  • Steam pop-ups from the overlay are now shown on the upper right corner of the window.
  • Game controls and interface are limited to inputs from Keyboard and Mouse.
  • Performed some graphics and memory optimizations.


  • Fixed an issue where the world generator crashes due to the path name.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI can provoke infinite battles.
  • Fixed an issue where an army can still be locked after the end of a battle.
  • Fixed an issue where the game remains stuck when loading a session.
  • Fixed an issue where the game crashes when starting an automatic battle or during manual targeting phase.
  • Fixed an issue where a session remains stuck during turn computing.
  • Fixed an issue where percentage bonuses from equipment techs are not applied correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the razing of cities causes a crash.


  • Fixed an issue where different quests can reward the same technology in a session.
  • Fixed an issue where "The Accidental Desecrator" side quest does not complete.
  • Fixed an issue where "The Second Mouse" side quest can't be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where "The legend of the three" side quest can't be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the "A Final Battleground" Broken Lords chapter 7 step 1 quest cannot be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Wisdom" Vaulters Chapter 8 step 2 quest cannot be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Wisdom" Vaulters Chapter 8 step 3 quest completes improperly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vaulters's chapter 3 step 2 faction quest does not restart after being failed resulting in a situation where the main quest line cannot be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Gaining Knowledge" Vaulters Chapter 5 quest can't be completed if the village is destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where the fifth chapter of the Broken Lords questline cannot be completed if the objective city is razed.
  • Fixed an issue where Chapter 8 Broken Lords "Altar of channelling" has no effects and cost.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vaulters's Chapter 4 step 1 faction quest can't be completed if the target city has been razed resulting in a situation where the main quest line cannot be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where if the targeted village is destroyed, the user cannot interact with it during Vaulters Chapter 5 quest by right clicking on it.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Penitent Chapel" technology reward received from the second chapter of the Broken Lords questline has no effects.

  • Fixed an issue where the "Gratify" Treaty does not modify the relationship score of the sender.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Warning" Treaty does not modify the relationship score of the sender.
  • Fixed an issue where stockpiles cannot be traded through diplomacy.
  • Fixed an issue where "Map exchange" treaty and "Vision and Map Exchange" do not reveal the discovered terrain.
  • Fixed an issue where besieged cities will not have the siege removed whenever accepting a truce proposal.

  • Fixed an issue where cancelling a research will reset its progress.
  • Fixed an issue where the research screen does not properly update when a queued technology is received from a quest.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Givers of remembrance" Necrophage technology changes its icon on mouse over.

  • Fixed an issue where the garrison unit count can exceed the maximum capacity when building faction units.
  • Fixed an issue where the garrison unit count can exceed the maximum capacity when building assimilated units.
  • Fixed an issue where Militia units do not respawn in conquered cities.
  • Fixed an issue where buying out 4 constructions when there are more queued, will display all the constructions as bought out.
  • Fixed an issue where the approval is not properly updated after the wine booster expires.
  • Fixed an issue where the settler buyout cost will increase every time the game is loaded.
  • Fixed an issue where razing a city does not remove previously built Watchtowers and Resource Extractors.
  • Fixed an issue where the approval bonus from sacrificing population persists in Necrophages cities after being captured by other factions.

  • Fixed an issue where roads are not showed on the map after moving a city that was connected to another one which just had pathways.
  • Fixed an issue where sections of roads built across rivers are not connected in a natural way with the rest.

  • Fixed an issue where skill points cannot be spent in the hero skill tree if that hero is outside of the user's region.
  • Fixed an issue where the retrofit button is available to the user for armies outside his regions.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on armies through for of war on in undiscovered terrain will display a battle zone and prompt for war declaration when needed.
  • Fixed an issue where the user can teleport vaulter armies while they are not positioned on city tiles.

  • Fixed an issue where other armies can be seen in the battlefield during battle simulation.
  • Fixed an issue where the attacker's and the attacked unit's tooltips are not always displayed during manual combat.
  • Fixed an issue where the auto-combat results are inconsistent with the results of a manual combat with default deployment and targets.
  • Fixed an issue where Heroes assigned as governors in cities without garrison do not participate in combat if the city is attacked.
  • Fixed an issue where the battle area is not displayed whenever hovering the cursor across a hostile minor faction village.
  • Fixed an issue where the battle area is not displayed whenever hovering the cursor across an AI city.
  • Fixed an issue where the Block Capacity does not function when the unit's strategy is defensive.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Block" battle capacity is not functional for moving units.
  • Fixed an issue where Ateshi Zealot displays a wrong capacity.
  • Fixed an issue where Vaulters units and heroes display a wrong capacity.
  • Fixed an issue where Telsem Warlock tooltip displays a wrong capacity.
  • Fixed an issue where the Feebleness capacity does not function.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dredge Exhaustion capacity does not function.
  • Fixed an issue where the Halt capacity does not function.
  • Fixed the Charge, Intimidation aura and Regeneration capacities.
  • Fixed an issue where battle actions activated by unit death were not applied.
  • Fixed an issue where Dekari rangers don't take damage from Ended units.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ended units from the Haunts minor faction do not deal damage or attack during manual battles.
  • Fixed an issue where Broken Lords militia have the "can be healed with dust" capacity although they cannot be selected.
  • Fixed an issue where garrisoned units or armies located on city tiles do not join as reinforcements whenever a besieging army is attacked.
  • Fixed an issue where roaming armies attack Privateer armies.
  • Fixed an issue where the target's card of an attack was not always displayed by GUI.
