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2 years ago Jul 28,2023, 09:27:26 AM

(Re)Awakening Patch Beta

3 841 Views

Hello everybody!

We've got one last surprise for you for this Endless Summer: A beta for an upcoming Endless Space 2 patch.

As we mentioned during Amplified, we have contracted our VIPs CaptainCobbs and Cyrob to help us improve Endless Space 2 and the Awakening DLC in particular according to the feedback from the community. We have been working on this for some time, but so far only a beta version of the bugfixes had been available. Now, we're finally ready to release a beta of some of the upcoming design and balance changes, and we're eager to hear what you think.

You can access this beta version by opening the game's properties on Steam, going to the Betas tab, and selecting the PatchPreview beta branch.

Please be aware that this is a work in progress. Some changes may be incomplete, and several will have UI errors, including missing localization (though most string names should explain what the effects do). These will be addressed for the official release, but as we want your feedback on the new Nakalim, we did not want to delay this beta.

Here's a summary of what you can find in this version:

Changes Implemented in This Beta:

Note: For many of these changes, localization has not been done yet, so they may display localization keys instead of localized text

Reduced Academy Aggression

The Academy will no longer siege your systems while you have neutral relations with them, and their fleets should now be smaller and less aggressive in the early game, as we fixed a bug with the scaling of academy "stress" across the game.

Nakalim Changes

The Nakalim have been changed significantly to alleviate some of the aspects our players found frustrating and put them on a more even playing field to other factions across the game, while trying to maintain their theme of an ancient empire reclaiming their lost knowledge and holdings.

Gameplay Affinity: The Last Empire (changed)

  • -50% Base FIDS on Planets by default
  • Can build Temples (Cost 1 Relic and 1 Turn), which remove the FIDS malus and convert Base Science into Influence.
  • Systems that have temples on all planets can build a Cathedral (Cost 1120 Industry, no Relics), which provide the following bonuses on their system:
    • +10% FIDSI
    • +30% Influence Radius
    • +5 Vision
    • 5% Enemy Health damaged per turn of Fleets in Influence Radius
    • 20% Friendly Health repaired per turn of Fleets in Influence Radius
    • Increases number of total empire relics that can be allocated
  • Cathedrals provide empire relic slots, which provide powerful empire-wide bonuses and require multiple relics to activate. Any bonus may be activated at any time, but only one per Cathedral may be active. These replace Food/Industry/Dust/Influence relics, and are toggleable on / off. Empire relics focus on increasing one of the innate strengths of the Nakalim, with one changing based off of leading political party
    • Exploration Slot - +25% Movement Point efficiency, +25% Vision Range on Fleets & Ships
    • Expansion Slot - +1 Colonization Threshold per Cathedral, No disapproval from planet type on planets with temples
    • Diplomacy Slot - Increased bonus from Co-Operative Protocol, Can use all minor faction boosts regardless of personality type
    • Political Slot: Get bonuses for all elected parties, but government types with fewer political parties get more powerful bonuses
      • Industrialist - +50% Strategic Deposit Generation on Temples
      • Scientist - +20 Dust, +10 Influence, +10 Manpower per Unassigned Relic
      • Pacifist - Systems with Cathedrals are counted as having subsidiaries. If that system already has a subsidiary, then it has x1.5 trade value.
      • Ecologist - +50% Luxury Deposit Generation on Temples
      • Religious - Heroes can be assigned outside of Borders
      • Militarist - Fleets can be retrofitted outside of Friendly Territory
  • Can assign a relic to a hero, which provides the following bonuses (you can no longer assign multiple relics to a hero, the effect is now binary):
    • +25% XP on Hero
    • +50% Hero Recovery Rate
    • +10% FIDSI on Fervent, +5 Approval per Temple on System
    • +10% Fleet Health, +10% Fleet Damage, +10% Fleet Evasion, +10% Fleet Shields
  • Unassigned relics generate 50 science, can be upgraded via empire improvements
  • Adjusted relic spawning formulas to respawn them once they reach a certain threshold and to focus their spawning location on getting further and further, eventially stopping near the middle of the galaxy.

Well Founded (new trait, not localized yet)

  • Starts with the area around them revealed (Starting constellation on non-unique galaxies, radius of systems around them on unique galaxies)

Forgotten Lore (changed)

  • Default Forgotten Lore trait remains unchanged: Starts with first 2 tiers of techs researched, Sophons not affected
  • Added an alternate "Forgotten Lore" trait that only unlocks the first tier to be used by custom factions

Beliefs Not Breakthroughs (changed)

  • Planets do not generate science
  • all science improvements are 50% less effective
  • Trading technologies with other empires is possible but very expensive
  • -50% Science per CP from Scrapping

Slumbering Ruins (new, User Interface not finished)

  • Two systems will be marked as Slumbering Ruins per Nakalim player. These systems are marked to all Nakalim players, and retain their status even if colonized by another empire or obliterated (though, owned by another player it needs to first be conquered, or if obliterated it needs to be repaired).
  • The system can be awakened from its dormant state via some sort of fleet action that takes 8 turns, or an influence constructible if the system is already colonized.
  • Awakening a Slumbering Ruin provides a small amount of Major Population, a few early game buildings (if not already constructed), and a temporary flat FIDSI bonus for about 10 turns.
  • Once Awakened, a system cannot be reawakened by another Nakalim player, but all Nakalim players can see that it was reawakened.
  • Slumbering Ruins systems are specially targeted by quest rewards, temples, and cathedrals (we'll decide on the bonuses later).

Apathetic Colonists (Changed, new effect not localized yet)

  • Outposts generate 25% less food and are shipped 25% less

Nakalim Heroes (changed) 

  • All but one hero skill have been adjusted

Nakalim Population Traits (changed) 

  • Population Trait: Fervent Diligence
    • Primary: +2 Approval (+1 Approval Spliced)
    • Secondary: +2 FIDSI on Happy (+0.5 FIDSI Spliced)
  • Collection Bonuses not implemented yet
  • Politics
    • Religious
    • Anti-Scientist
    • Preservationists (Militarist -> Ecologist)

Xirmisala Citizens (changed) 

  • Starts with Xirmisala citizens
  • Xirmisala Traits
    • Primary: +1 Food
    • Secondary: +4 Dust on Happy
  • Collection Bonus and Assimilation Traits not implemented yet
  • Politics:
    • Religious
    • Anti-Scientific
    • Pious (Pacifist->Religious)


  • Battle Result Notifications no longer block the turn, while keeping the big stability improvement that originally caused this issue (Note: This fix works for Single Player and Multiplayer hosts only, but not Multiplayer clients, who will still need to dismiss the battle report notification to let the end turn progress)
  • The Academy's aggression & power level now starts at 0 and grows slower, before it started out near or above max due to the galaxy generation process triggering it
  • Isolated systems are no longer blocked from being colonized by the quest Death Without a Corpse
  • Horatio's Main Quest: Chapter 2 (Industrialist) will no longer get stuck if another empire destroys the fleets (It will complete)
  • Relics gained from converting will always be 2, it is no longer scaled by gamespeed which resulted in 1.33 relics on slow
  • Quest "Forged in Battle" Now is 25-55 turns instead of 10-70 by galaxy size
  • System Trade Value no longer scales with Game Speed
  • The mining probe lifetime of multiple Behemoth modules is no longer additive, now taking the highest instead
  • Influence gained from Lumeris pop bonus is now shown in the Empire Influence tooltip
  • Unfallen Terraform Options (Hot types to Forest) now use the forest art (previously all were Savannah)
  • Optics Research Lab's Yield is now shown in the System Science Tooltip
  • All Singularities now affect heroes as intended
  • The Diagnostics.xml file should no longer be filled with errors if the Nakalim main menu screen is displayed
  • Fixed Nakalim being after the Umbral Choir in the faction selection
  • Behemoths no longer shown under Faction Hulls for every faction
  • Capped many cost reductions from reaching 0%
  • GasWarm now has the Temperate tag
  • Fixed Custom Umbral Shadows not having GUI Elements

Planned Changes

There are some other changes we want to make, but which were not ready in time for this beta. Nonetheless, we'd like to give you an overview of what we're working on:

  • Adjusted Academy Roles
  • Nerfed fleet for the Spear, including inability to invade systems
  • New "Rally" system defense strategy for ground battles
  • Nakalim Specific Science System Improvements
  • Nakalim Quest Rebalance (Objectives and Rewards)
  • New Nakalim Population Collection Bonus: 1. +Religious, 2. +15 Approval, 3. Improved Orbital Bombardment strategy, Improved Rally strategy
  • New Xirmisala Population Collection Bonus: 1. +Religious, 2.+15% Dust on Systems, 3. Collection Law - Dust Sensitive: Reveals Arcane Curiosities, which when searched will provide a large amount of Dust
  • New Xirmisala Assimilation Traits

Once we are satisfied with the changes to the Nakalim and the Academy, we would also like to examine the combat system and the economy to see what needs rebalancing. However, we will need to assess if we will have the capacity and time to do this once the Awakening improvements are finished, so this more general balancing pass may not happen.

We hope you'll enjoy playing with the new Nakalim, even if we have more changes in store for them and the Academy, and look forward to hearing your feedback.

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2 years ago
Jul 28, 2023, 9:41:13 AM

Looks like Nakalim's back on the menu, boys!
    ~Craven chief hunter announcing their new target

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 28, 2023, 2:33:05 PM

Patch notes  wrote:
Gameplay Affinity: The Last Empire (changed)

Is "Shared Vision" achievement broken now? >:(

Patch notes wrote:
5% Enemy Health damaged per turn of Fleets in Influence Radius

oh wow, sounds fun (for Nakalim only). @CaptainCobbs does it work on cloaked fleets?

Patch notes  wrote:
Militarist - Fleets can be retrofitted outside of Friendly Territory

Sounds a bit broken o_0

Patch notes  wrote:
Well Founded (new trait, not localized yet)


Patch notes  wrote:
Starts with first 2 tiers of techs researched, Sophons not affected

Finally, thanks!

Patch notes  wrote:
-50% Science per CP from Scrapping

Patch notes  wrote:
Slumbering Ruins

Very thematically fitting! Although on paper bonus from awakening sounds a tad dull. I hope those systems are reachable early on.

Excited to try this one! Cheers @CaptainCobbs , @CyRob 

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2 years ago
Jul 28, 2023, 2:56:22 PM

Very happy to see that one of the most interesting factions in the game is getting this major overhaul. Thank you all so much, devs and amplifiers!

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2 years ago
Jul 28, 2023, 3:45:26 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Adjusted relic spawning formulas to respawn them once they reach a certain threshold and to focus their spawning location on getting further and further, eventially stopping near the middle of the galaxy.

So when do the relics start spawning? Just started a test game and I have about 50% of the galaxy discovered, it's turn 50 and I haven't found any relics in systems yet. Do I need to complete the main quest to get those relics spawning?

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2 years ago
Jul 28, 2023, 4:10:03 PM

that's for the changes and it is great ..... but what about new stuff for the faithful fans ???

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 28, 2023, 8:00:05 PM

looking forward to trying it out. Happy to see the game is getting more love.

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2 years ago
Jul 28, 2023, 9:46:38 PM
Sublustris wrote:
oh wow, sounds fun (for Nakalim only). @CaptainCobbs does it work on cloaked fleets?

Yes, though it shouldn't alert the system owner of their existence

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2 years ago
Jul 30, 2023, 12:35:00 PM

This is such great news. I’m so happy you’re going back and supporting your old games. Very much looking forward to this update. 

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2 years ago
Jul 30, 2023, 2:21:13 PM

Isolated systems being colonizable again is great. To me this was a HUGE annoyance.
I think this is actually why I stopped playing. I had a really good isolated system. I couldn't figure out what I needed to do to colonize it. It happend the second time in a row and I just told myself I would come back once you fixed it. And then I kinda forgot the game existed. Realistically, even if you had fixed it... it would have been in some patch notes that I probably wouldn't have read - by that time the damage was done. That this bug was allowed to exist for an extended period of time was enough to make you lose one returning player.

The Nakalim changes are mostly neutral for me. I own Awakening, but have it disabled and can't see that changing (similar for Penumbra).

The two topics that would matter to me the most are terraforming and heroes (and I think there are low effort things that can be done).

Terraforming doesn't make sense to me. I can never remember which early decisions lead to which outcomes, so I have to have some guide open on a second screen (and that's after ~500 hours of playing the game). You could remove the steps and offer up terraforming to the currently possible outcomes in one step (adding up the cost and duration). I.e. a desert could be terraformed to Savannah, Arid, Monsoon, Forest, Terran, Jungle and Atoll. This would also remove some decision making from the late game (which is a good thing, I think, late game I usually find myself annoyed at having to make a lot of decisions and making the same decisions over and over). This would not change the rules of the game, but remove a lot of tedium.

And if you want to add a nice feature you would also allow reverse terraforming. I.e. a Jungle could be terraformed into Terran and Atoll as normal, but also into Mediterranean, Arid, Desert, Ash and Lava (which would also (indirectly) add Savannah, Monsoon and Forest and so on). A side effect of reverse terraforming would be that anything could be terraformed into anything (via Toxic and Monsoon). Personally I wouldn't mind. Why shouldn't a Lava planet be able to be terraformed into an ice planet (at fairly huge cost)?
But if you want to enforce the distinction between warm and cold planets you could also put a barrier between them (the easiest way of doing that would be to have warm/cold Toxic/Monsoon and then you would have two seperate graphs for terraforming).

I think the above is fairly easy to implement (just adds more build projects). But you could also add an extra screen (where you display the graph of possible terraformations and gray out not available options and then the user could click on the terraforming step he wants). That way there would only be one terraforming option in the build projects.

As for heroes:
Early game levels are rewarding. It takes some time to level a hero since you have to hover all the options to figure out what they do, but you usually end up finding something that will benefit your hero.
Late game it takes a lot of time and you usually end up picking the option that is the least useless.
For me there comes a time in late game where I just stop leveling heroes at all. The time you need for decision making is just not worth it (to be fair, it is more like I wish I would stop, but then the perfectionist in me forces me to make a decision - and then the rationalist in me derides me for wasting all that time).

Part of that comes from the basic concept that every hero can do everything. So late game you can only pick the things that you do not wish to specialize your hero in.
There is a couple of things you could do here (assuming that you do not want to rework heroes (in case you do I have an open idea for that, but currently I assume that it is not realistic)):
- Adjust the xp curve to give higher levels slower. That way you will not usually reach the levels where you lack options (this solution is not super satisfying, but it would kinda work)
- Add more options so that a governor/admiral could always pick something useful.

- Maybe have some basic options that you could always pick (i.e. *instead* of picking from the skill tree a governor could always pick +1 food (per pop) (or industry or science) or flat +10 (food or industry or science) and those options would infinitely stack). So you would pick from the skill tree as long as you had fitting options there and then start picking weaker basic skills once the skill tree runs out of good choices.

Oh, and a little point: Having a craver hero ruling a planet depletes the planet. I would enjoy it more if it was the population that depletes the planet and not the governor (and then you could actually employ cravers instead of making it an automatic no). Not sure how much those heroes matter to the normal craver depletion (I would assume it is a low percentage of the depletion that's already happening), but for non cravers I found it to be a huge disadvantage (going from 0 to X; maybe replace depletion with some non-scaling unhappiness when they rule non cravers).
As I said this last one is not a huge point. Right now I just completely avoid Craver heroes.

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2 years ago
Jul 30, 2023, 9:25:59 PM

I like them as they are now I don’t mind them being separated from the Academy but I am fine with any changes as long as they stay big influence sphere boys 

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2 years ago
Aug 1, 2023, 1:17:15 PM
Schakal39 wrote:
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Adjusted relic spawning formulas to respawn them once they reach a certain threshold and to focus their spawning location on getting further and further, eventially stopping near the middle of the galaxy.

So when do the relics start spawning? Just started a test game and I have about 50% of the galaxy discovered, it's turn 50 and I haven't found any relics in systems yet. Do I need to complete the main quest to get those relics spawning?

As far as I know, that's a bug and Cobbs has already been at work fixing it. There should be some relics at game start, as I recall.

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2 years ago
Aug 1, 2023, 6:20:39 PM
Ravenfell wrote:

I like them as they are now I don’t mind them being separated from the Academy but I am fine with any changes as long as they stay big influence sphere boys 

That's the neat part, they are still Academy's BFF and there are now extra way to give a system to Academy via direct invasion!

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2 years ago
Aug 1, 2023, 7:48:36 PM

I am loving these changes, looking forward to playing ES2 again. Hopefully the final rebalancing pass also happens in the end. It is very unfortunate that ES2 did not have a passionate moder such as LeaderEnemyBoss to work on the fine details and making the AI harder to play against.

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2 years ago
Aug 2, 2023, 2:19:20 AM
Nevensky wrote:

I am loving these changes, looking forward to playing ES2 again. Hopefully the final rebalancing pass also happens in the end. It is very unfortunate that ES2 did not have a passionate moder such as LeaderEnemyBoss to work on the fine details and making the AI harder to play against.

I'm glad you're enjoying it! Do you have any points you feel were particularly unbalanced with the patch?

Sublustris wrote:
Ravenfell wrote:

I like them as they are now I don’t mind them being separated from the Academy but I am fine with any changes as long as they stay big influence sphere boys 

That's the neat part, they are still Academy's BFF and there are now extra way to give a system to Academy via direct invasion!

Hopefully there will be more than that assuming we can finish the juicy Academy part of the update in time.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 2, 2023, 3:16:36 AM

Nakalim Heroes (changed) 

  • All but one hero skill have been adjusted

does anyone know what the changes our

also the political one seems like the best like even if it just gives you one of those effects it’s still be the best  but the fact that I can give you up to three is so good

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 2, 2023, 3:45:21 AM
Ravenfell wrote:

Nakalim Heroes (changed) 

  • All but one hero skill have been adjusted

does anyone know what the changes our

also the political one seems like the best like even if it just gives you one of those effects it’s still be the best  but the fact that I can give you up to three is so good

Effects of the political relic scale according to however many parties are represented. Dictatorships get one big boost, Democracy gets 3 small boosts.

Here are the hero skills:

Overclocked Scanners moved to Tier 1

Tier 2:

  • Lucky Windfall (unchanged)
    • +10% (20%) Influence on System
  • Holy Cause (not implemented yet)
    • +15% (25%) Manpower Damage when Sieging (not invading)
    • +300 (600) Bombardment Damage on Any Strategy when Hero is Orbiting
  • Promised Lands (new)
    • Minimum 3 Initial FIDS on Planets in Systems
    • -25% Initial Planet Disapproval

Tier 3

  • Vision of the Lost (changed)
    • New active ability - Divine Sentry:
      • +10 (20) vision range on Fleet
      • -50% (100%) upkeep on fleet
      • Consumes movement when activated
      • Can blockade while activated

Tier 4

  • Prophetic Production (changed)
    • -25% Hero Reassignment Cooldown on Empire
    • +25% Hero Points earned
    • +0.25% FIDSI per Hero Level on System
    • +5 FIDSI per Hero Level on System

Hero Relic (Now only one relic slot, requires two relics)

  • +25% XP Gain on Hero
  • +50% Hero Recovery rate
  • +10% FIDSI on Fervent
  • +5 Approval per Temple
  • +10% Fleet Health, Fleet Damage, Fleet Evasion, and Fleet Shield Capacity

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Aug 4, 2023, 5:52:39 PM

Happy to see some new love for ES2. Hoping this means someday we'll see an ES3.

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