Hello everyone! Here is the skeleton of my contribution for this contest, feedback will be hugely appreciated :)

Also I Have a question, Is it possible for a specific unit of smiley: population to have a unique special trait ? For exemple I have 3 smiley: population sophon on my planet and an event give a bonus to +5% smiley: science to only one of them. Edit: this question is now irrelevant to my quest but I'm still interested to know if this will be a feature in the game.

Here is the updated version, it will probably be twitched, also please tell me if there are things that aren't doable.

Stars' Sons

Chapter 1:

Our empire is growing faster and faster, and the more it grows the more information becomes out of control. Ideas develop, change and mutate like never before. It has been reported to us that a small group of scientist has been «touched by the holy lights of the stars» or so they claim. They could be visionnaries or simple fanatics but we can't just ignore them.

Objective A. spend smiley: empirepoint to diffuse propaganda against them.

Thanks to a subtil use of broadcasts control, misinformation, lobby pressure, those scientists went from funny eccentrics to extremist parias.

Reward: Some bonuses in military politics.

Objective B: build a colon ship

Even if their works could lead to unimaginable outbreaks, we cannot let them on the loose. Exiling them on remote planet where they will be free to pursue any unpredictable experiences.

Reward: bonus in smiley: science politics

Chapter 2A

Well the problem with fringe elements, is you can never know how they will react to oppression. And stealing a small flottila of

military ships was not quite expected from scientists, and also we could not have predicted that they would have upgraded the ships with experimental modules. And they could have fled far away from here but surprisingly they choose to blockade the system.

And the demand a colon ship to start over somewhere else.

Objective C: Fight the rebels!

For angry scientist, they did put a fight, yet they were powerless against our mighty navy, and if we did not retake any ships, the wrecks that we salvaged gave us precious insights on the discoveries that they have made.

Rewards: I'd really like a module, like a cool railgun or something badass like that as a reward but if it is not possible some bonus to outftting your ships seems a good revard.

Objective D: Build the ship.

As soon as they got the ship, they jumped out of the system, I only hope we will never hear from them again…

Reward: bonus in smiley: science

Chapter 2B:

After a quick ceremony, the cosmic savants became the new pionneers of our empire, pushing not only, the limits of knowledge but also the limits of our borders. They will now have to travel light years to settle on the most hostile plantets only for the sake of science.

Objective E: colonize a planet

Rewards: Some smiley: empirepoint, another bonus in smiley: science .

The kind of bonus i'd like is a special trait to the population living on that planet.

Chapter 3:

We received a distress call originating from one of our ships, our should I say former ship. It seems that this intellectuals got into trouble. I recommend we investigate.

Objective F: Get to the signal.

We are too late, what remains of their flottilla is scrap metal floating in the emptiness of space. And we found a single rescue pod in the orbit of a nearby planet. We learn from the sole survivor that they were ambushed by space pirates.

Being one of the chief leader of the movement, and also a valuable scientist, he will be reintegrated to one of our research group.

Reward: A scientific oriented hero.