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Religiosi de relegendo

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9 years ago
Jul 8, 2016, 2:30:13 AM

(This quest must take place in an uninhabited system, with at least one moon, visited for the first time by the player with a hero in the fleet. The moon is considered barren.)


Religiosi de relegendo phase 1 :


Just after arriving in the apparently uninhabited system of X, your systems warns you about an important concentration of ships in the area. These ships don’t seem to belong to any specific empire, but they all gravitate around a single barren moon of the planet X Y without responding to any message (a large neutral  made of various  vessels appears in the system ; only you can attack it).


Objective 1 A : Destroy the neutral fleet.


Outcome 1 A : Among the debris of this motley fleet, we have discovered strange vessels which could bring us new

 => One of the most expensive military technology is discovered (in EL, one of the military technologies of the era you're in).


Objective 1 B : Wait two turns without leaving the system.


Outcome 1 B : Our pacific behaviour was well received by locals. They are eager to give us pieces of information about this place.

 => The hero in the fleet and the vessels gain a moderate amount of experience/ +50%   in empire during 10 turns/ The neutral fleet disappear.


Religiosi de relegendo phase 2 A (follow outcome 1 A) :


Now that most of the threats have disappeared, it is time to visit the moon. Some tunnels have been dug and are leading to what looks like shrines and temples disposed right before huge mass of metal. Dust is highly concentrated in the area. Should we retrieve it or analyze even further this place ?

Objective 2 A : Settle on the planet X Y and make one hero the governor of the system for three turns.


Outcome 2 A : Huge amounts of dust have been collected. Our discovery make our people famous in the galaxy !

 => +1250  / +500


Objective 2 B : Moon survey on the moon of the planet X Y.


Outcome 2 B : Fortunately we weren't greedy : what we took as mere mass of metal are actual antimatter computers activated by dust ! Our scientists are eager to learn more about this place !

 =>  Increase scientific support until next elections/ +30%  in empire for 30 turns


Religiosi de relegendo phase 2 B (follow outcome 1 B) :


After landing a shuttle, our crewmen have been welcomed by an Amoeba named Jinko Sim Mssa42. After presenting us the chief of the cult named the Whisper, Keldron Bor, a strange being surrounded by dust and wearing a golden armor, it has taken our admiral apart and asked us to intervene : Keldron Bor is leading a gathering of people in search of illumination, but Jinko thinks that this place hold a more dire secret, related to the Endless, which could result in the death of thousands. It hasn't been disposed to give us details, but its will is clear : it wants to take control of the cult. What do we do ?


Objective 2 C : Bring the equivalent of 15   or more in the system and blockade it.


Outcome 2 C : At the end of a ceremony, Keldron Bor has been captured. Jinko Sinm Mss42 and its companions thanked us with data and a mysterious module found in Bor's vessel.

 => Gain knowledge of all systems and temples in the surrounding systems/Gain "Quivering Impulsor" heroic module (+1  in   for every three   in it/ after battle, +20   per  destroyed in both ).


Objective 2 D : Bring another fleet of at maximum 5  in the system and transfer the hero of your first fleet in it. Then, wait three turns.


Outcome 2 D : It's not the way of our people to trust people without reasons. After several attempts (involving newly painted vessels), we've succeeded in informing Keldron Bor and neutralizing the Amoeba. We are now certain of Bor's support.

 => Gain "Harmonized Sensors" heroic module (+2  in  for each Endless temple in empire when in a system owned by the player and possessing an Endless temple).


Religiosi de relegendo phase 3 A (follow outcome 2 A) :


Worrisome news have come to us. A being named Keldron Bor has taken X thanks to hords of agressive followers. It claims that we destroyed its purpose in existence and the hopes of countless people and that their price is our very lives. Our administrator is only lightly wounded, but we must now crush the revolt. (System X become a pirate system and the administrator of the system is lightly wounded/A stationary hostile pirate fleet appears in system X).


Objective 3 A : Gather a  and invade system X (possible fierce space and ground battles).


Outcome 3 A : Keldron Bor is dead. We are now free to fully exploit the system.

 => No resistance in system X/ + Large amounts of strategic resources/ + 3000 / Gain "Pulsing Fear" heroic module (-  in enemy  depending on the number of  in our ).


Religiosi de relegendo phase 3 B (follow outcome 2 B) :


After searching more deeply in the core of the moon, our scientists have discovered huge quantities of instruments and more antimatter computers. We must invest more resources to our seaching to understand the real meaning of this place. 

Objective 3 B : Produce 100  in the system during 5 turns.

Outcome 3 C : It has been revealed that this moon was of great importance for the Endless. Researches about waves of electromagnetic energy were held here. Some scientists call the previous owners of this place the Tremblors for unknown reasons.

 => Discovery of a unique Virtual Endless temple (the "Tremblor cenacle") with following effect : +30%  /+30%   in the system and those linked to it.

Religiosi de relegendo phase 3 C (follow outcome 2 C) :

Now that Jinko Sim Mssa42 is the cult's leader, it has changed : it is always pensive and keeps saying that "the Tremblors must be appeased". It also seems to be very interested in Z (the hero used to trigger the quest). One day, without explanation, both disappears. (Z is disabled until outcome 3 C)

Objective 3 C : Gather troops in the system (cf GDD 14 about ground battles) and keep them here during 5 turns.

Outcome 3 C : Hidden passages have been found leading to the core of the moon. There have been discovered the leader's corpse and Z, connected to some strange instruments. After "unplugging" it/him/her, it was found that Z wasn't the same as before. The Amoeba's motives will never be known, but Z is safe and more powerful than ever.

 => Hero Z gain 3 levels, invert its ideology (M/P-I/E-R/S) and gain the ability "Emissary of the Tremblors" (+10  whenever a  is destroyed during a battle your empire is involved into).

Religiosi de relegendo phase 3 C (follow outcome 2 D) :

At the moment the sentence of the council gathered by Keldron Bor to judge Jinko Sim Mssa42 had to be given, communication has been cut with the moon. It has also been observed that hundreds of what looks like dust wraiths are emerging from the underground. We still don't know what is happening, but we are sure of one thing : someone must go on the surface of the moon to understand the situation.

Objective 3 D : Send a hero of high level in systel X (the equivalent of a level 10 hero of ES)

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Jul 8, 2016, 3:07:44 PM

Ambitious quest, I like it. Not sure we can keep the Cicero quote in Latin, and neither the Amoeba nor Keldron Bor have been announced to be making a come-back, and we have our own ideas about what happened to the Endless, but these are all minor gripes. I'm sure quaedam will be able to balance this without problem. :)

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9 years ago
Jul 8, 2016, 3:37:20 PM

Cicero's quote was put mostly because it gave a more philosophical tone to the quest, but I perfectly understand that it could be difficult to integrate it in the game (I hesitated between this and "The Whisper"). Once again, the goal here is simply to give general ideas to help you, so it wouldn't bother me at all to see the quest modified. 

Concerning the ambition of this quest, adding more new game concepts (like adding population-related objective) could make it more interesting, but I want to keep the objectives "simple" for now. 

Thank you for your feedback by the way. :)

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