Name: Mendax

Victory type - Diplomatic/Scientific


  • They can have bigger fleets but their ships have low HP and damage.
  • Advanced propaganda.
  • Peace bonuses (they cumulate with each befriend fraction) 
    • They get approval and science bonus;
    • Their allies get approval bonus too but if one of factions (ally or Mendax) break peace the ally get big approval penalty and Madox bonus slowly decreases;
    • Depending on the time of good contacts, they gather more intel about another empire (science research, production projects in each planet system, map etc.);
    • Systems adjacent to Mendax territory can randomly produce low rank military ships.


They weren't first nation on their planet, they weren't strongest but they learned one thing - "A couple of nice words and army of spies are the most importan things if you want to prevail". Now, when competitors from their planet destroyed themselves or are their "free-will" servants, is the best time to reach the sky. What if they meet new races? The plan is simple - "Befriend and tell them that your spies are only civilians who want to know their culture". 

Remember Mendax "love to" assimilate with new people and always have something special (I mean drugs) that make their friends happy.

Mendax Empire motto:

"We are your friends, you shouldn't have secrets before us."