Born on a dust rich world filled with remnants of the Virtual Endless, the Nameless sought to learn from them. Using dust and endless technologies they have linked together every member of their species to form a collective intelligence, but still retain their individual will. This collective mind, The Nameless One, represents the collective will of all nameless, and seeks to find new minds and new forms to assimilate into its beautiful union. To destroy a living being is a waste, to deny any the glory of joining the nameless is a travesty.

Racial effects:

  • FIDS bonus per empire at peace
  • FIDS penalty per empire at war
  • Ships are weaker and have less max tonnage
  • Higher expansion disapproval and reduced pop growth, science 
  • Can make peace/alliances from the start of the game
  • So long as at peace with an empire slowly gains ‘assimilation points’ on that empire. As assimilation points increase they gain positive traits from that race (if a sufficiently assimilated empire has crowded planets then you also get crowded planets).
  • Once assimilation reaches its (extremely high) cap you gain that race’s unique trait and access to all their race specific techs (you still need to research them)