Name/concept: I have no idea for a name but the concept is a combination between the drakkan and the forgotten.

Description of their ability : they send diplomats to enemy planets and these diplomats can in a similar way to the spies from the shadows generate up to 5 levels of intrigue with a seniority bonus and they can get kicked of of a planet through a special series of special production quotas (like the normal procedures for entertaining a diplomat), then they can pay influence to give certain effects to the planet or sector they are in like setup a ban to certain kinds of food for X turns resulting in a food reduction or accusing the governor of a scandalous affair resulting in reduced influence for X amount of turns.

faction description: they are a slow growing plant species that evolved psionic abilities to make herbivores prefer other plants above themselves, slowy this abilty evolved in to the abilty to speak to the gentle nature in every creature they encountered and make them live peacefully wit everyone untill they reached space were there were more challenges toward the eternal peace they so wanted.

PS: just to make this clear I know almost nothing about the game rules of endless space and endless space 2 so I am keeping this as vague as possible, also english isn't my native languague so expect spelling mistakes