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The Feeni - Cowardly, yet persistent

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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 5:52:26 PM

Space is a ridiculously dangerous place.  The Feeni are keenly aware of this and thus avoid anything even mildly resembling danger whenever possible.  They tend avoid showing themselves even in diplomacy, which makes others take pity on them.  Their planets are viewed as temporary homes, a waypoint on the path to a better place.  They have been known to move their colonies from planet to planet to avoid detection and attacks.  They use a combination of diplomacy, high population growth, and tactical retreat to keep themselves alive until victory is certain.  Of course, once victory is certain, they swarm down upon their opponents.  Hey, being the last-born in a family of 20 is pretty dangerous too, and the Feeni have many mouth-like orifices to feed.

What do they look like?  Well, from what we can see in the viewscreen...  They have a hands that they sometimes wave from offscreen.  I think I've seen an eye?  Yeah, we'll look into that.  

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8 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 9:55:59 PM

A good start, but I want to know more.  What specifically are their traits and affinity? How would the play? For examples and links to the game design documents, feel free to check out my submission.

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