Name: TBD

Faction Affinity: Parasite/Pacifist/Diplomat


  • Has the ability to infect and control the minds of minor factions.
    • This is how the hivemind increases population.
    • This is how the hivemind researches.
    • All of the hivemind's people can be used for any purpose as they are just extensions of the hivemind once infected.
  • [as a player of endless legend i'm not sure if this applies] Because the Hivemind is one being it has no penalties for expansion.


The Hivemind, a being created by the endless, wonders the universe trying to find the meaning of its life. Infecting planets and cultures it scours each culture's history and knowledge looking for traces of its own.
[picture a little kid, like 6 or so, lost in a city it's never been to. It would feel alone and helpless. that is what im trying to go for. It isn't aggressive It just knows nothing else.]


The Hivemind is a single being and makes its own decisions.


Hivemind lacks a homeworld and instead just has the first infected planet.