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The Falx Conglomerate

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 12:11:09 AM

Name: Falx Conglomerate

Theme: Pacifist Diplomats

Faction Affinity

Cultural Appeal- Factions attacking the Falx tend to find their attempt ends up off plan, nothing sabotaged so much as done poorly, amounting to a loss in attack and defensive capacity and delayed unit production. Rivals with longer relationships feel this more so, members of their own society working so as to bring their home into the welcoming arms of the Conglomerate. Territories that have been connected for 50+ turns have their attack, defense and unit production penalties increased by 1/3. If a faction has broken an alliance in order to wage war the penalty is doubled.

The Bird's Whispers - Territories connected to the Falx for 50+ turns end up with strong social ties thanks to a long history of shared media, even when at war, allowing the player to see what is in production in rival territory as well as any units stationed. In peace time this confers a bonus of +2 to any trade agreements as insider knowledge gives Falx negotiators an edge.

Make Love, Not War - Any attempt to wage war by the Falx leadership is met with the strongest opposition from within and from sympathetic elements of rival cultures. After instigating open conflict, unit production is slowed by 1/3 and all other production by 1/6. If the Falx attack an ally these penalties are raised by x2.5 to reflect the fury of a populace that sees their ideals being betrayed.

Any neighbouring faction with a long relationship with the Flax gains bonuses to their attack, defense and unit production equivalent to the penalties they would face if they were the aggressor.

Cultural Appropriation - Generations of cultural connection have brought every element of rival societies closer together and industry booms as a result of such long lasting cooperation. After 100 turns of unbroken connection, rivals will begin to confer resource bonuses to Falx territory, giving +3 currency and +2 industry to each Falx world directly connected to them. Allied rivals give +5 currency and +4 industry.

The Falx Conglomerate was born out of two races that spent centuries at war. Escalation of hostility on both sides reached a peak as propaganda invited each respective population to assume incredible barbarism of the other. 

Elements of each society began creating their own media to show their respective struggles, of societies breaking down under pressure from industrial military complexes and an leadership with no interest in peace. With combined effort on both sides of the war, a battle for the minds of the people was won by telling stories of hope, co-operation and of the power of words over weapons.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 10:27:36 AM

Can you perhaps be a bit more descriptive for the gameplay aspect of your submission? Even if the numbers are made up or the concepts don't necessarily match, it's more of a note of intention so we know how they play.

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 12:14:34 AM

Done! Added a few ideas for their rules. Thinking of them as a turtle race, slow to start and all about keeping to themselves but benefiting from it due to the penalties for attacking them and the eventual bonuses from keeping the peace.

Updated 9 years ago.
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