Description - 

    Expatriate Brain Slugs(Called Slugs from here on out) are a race of parasitic Slugs which came from a far away jungle planet.  The Slugs themselves are not visible on the outside, for they rest in the brains of their hosts, increasing the hosts strength and happiness in return for decision making for the slug.  The slugs produce an addictive slime which is highly sought after by citizens of the galaxy, and Slugs actively trade this slime in return for favors and diplomatic access to other empires.  With this access they can spread their young through out the galaxy in order to continue their species. Letting their young become productive members of their new hosts, while returning some back to the mother colony. The do not like to fight because they see it as a waste of hosts for their young to discreetly grow on, so they make sure that their new hosts do not fight between themselves, because that would be a waste of homes.

Gameplay - 

    Cannot declare war and offense ships are really bad

    Slug population takes 10x food to produce a new citizen compared to other factions

    Populations produce a special luxury resource, called slime, slugs cannot use this resource only trade it away.

    Other empires can consume the slime in order for a short increase in happiness, production, science ,dust, and influence.

    Each time an empire consumes the slime, one of their population becomes a slug. This slug pop produces 2x the resources of a normal citizen.

    Slug pops send home half of what they produce back to the slug empire. 

    Slugs interact with empires who have slug pops in special ways - 

        Each slug pop in an enemy empire increase opinion towards the slug empire. 

        For each percent of slugs in the other empire, Slugs pay that much less in influence cost when making trade deals.  So at high enough percentages, slug empires can have enemy empires do whatever they want, except declare war. 

        If an enemy empire declares war on slugs, all slug populations in the enemy empire stop working and actually siphon away the resources they are working on to the slug empire  


The gameplay of the Slugs is to propagate the species peacefully. Trade away your produced slime to other factions, using this to gain favors and spread your species, while hunkering down from enemies. Once you get factions addicted to the slime, you can force them to do whatever you want because of the opinion boost and reduced cost of doing diplomatic business since you have so many slugs in their empire. They can become your permanite ally, giving you their resources or being your defensive force. The whole goal is to get the rival factions to agree to let your species in instead of forcing yourself onto them. This way your empire will grow and you can get more resources since expat slugs send some back to you. Eventually the whole universe will be united under a single slugpire, peaceful and strong.