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Network AI Faction

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 2:37:27 AM

The Network AI faction uses production or dust to produce population its unique function is a structure a computer network center which increases research and dust on the planet is on increasing linearly for each planet that has the improvement. The primary network ai has a focus on trade and research but because the AI was designed for research and economic purposes it must bypass several locks on itself in order to access combat functions  reducing its efficiency in actual combat scenarios. 

The Network AI is a creation of the endless created to help with research and economic development. Through dust and an entanglement network it is capable of Instantaneous communication across all of its networks and robots under it's command. The AI project was cancelled in favor of more militaristic project and lied dormant. Once awakened it began functioning off it's primary directives of furthering research and stimulating economic activity. The AI uses drone robots capable of independent processing in stead of organic life however it is connected to every network built on it's worlds and on it's ships. The AI sees contributing to the economic and technological success of other factions as a fulfillment of it's primary objectives and will attempt to negotiate peacefully at every opportunity. The AI does have limited self preservation functions however serious limits and locks were put on them forcing the AI to circumvent them reducing it's efficiency in all forms of combat. The AI has a curious personality wishing to understand the universe and further the progress of societies.

Many of the databases containing information about it's creation were lost in the incident involving it's activation along with many research notes.

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9 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 8:09:13 PM

I'm intrigued by the idea of an AI based faction. I want to know more! Could you flesh out the faction affinity and traits? How and why is this AI a "diplomatic pacifist"?

I suggest listing the Network AI's specific traits (to make your submission an easier read). For an example of this, and links to the game documents for ideas, feel free to visit my submission.

Usually A.I. in scifi are evil and dominating, so having a pacifist one would be refreshing! I want it.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 8:50:20 AM

I would love to see this in the new game, AI robots that are here for peace instead of war, I like it. This reminds me about Opbot.

Keep up the good work.

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