About my Submission

I myself do not have access to the game so my submission is just as I enjoy thinking about Alien race design. Though as I do not have actual experience with ES2 I'll not be adding stats modifiers. Instead I will give a special overview as well as a play style description that would be normally where you would have specific stat modifiers. 

About the Jung

The Jung are a sentient fungoid race that exist as a mass of interconnected tendrils which float in a planet wide knot around 4-6000 meters below the vast planet wide oceans of Point Nemo. This "root system" of the Jung appears to be a single collective mass, but is in fact millions of individuals connected together in an intertwined mass they call the Amalgam. 

The mind of an individual Jung exists separate to its physical growth in the Amalgam but instead is a physic state housed by the connected roots, the Amalgam, that spans across the entire planet. There are some arguments between scholars as to whether the Jung are in fact a single organism and no independent observer has yet to determine how much of the Amalgam would need to be destroyed before "individual minds" are lost. It is clear though that the Jung claim to grow as separate entities which then combine and fuse with the living mass of the Amalgam. It should be noted that the Jung consume food as a single biological creature. The Amalgam itself is a single sustained organic environment for individual Jung minds. 

What other species perceive as the Jung are just, to put it in our terms, Flowers; which they call the Outcrop. Individual Jung at different points in their life cycle grow a physical outcrop that detaches from the Amalgam and floats to the top of the ocean where it can interact with physical reality. Build, Mine, manipulate machinery, interact with other species and more. While these live as separate splinters of a Jung's mind the actual Jung itself still exists in the Amalgam waiting for its outcrop's eventual re-absorption, bringing with it the collective experiences of the Outcrop's time outside of the Amalgam. This effectively means that the Jung themselves are nearly immortal and live life spans that stretch into the eons protected as they are inside the Amalgam. Individual Jungs can over time grow many Outcrops, with the time between each expedition into the universe as a physical entity counted in years or decades. The "splintering" process is unknown but the Outcrop are effectively empty vessels that take an extraordinary amount of time to grow before the splintering gives them the life and minds of an individual Jung.

Play Style Information

The Jung are a peaceful race whom measure plans and effects in millennia rather than years. This leads them to greatly value scientific knowledge and the Arts, as well as a strong focus on environmentally stable planetary development. The slow growth of the Outcropped means that peaceful coexistence with Alien races is vital to the working of Jung society, for they rely more on Alien Migration to fill their workforce than the Outcropped. This is a nearly symbiotic relationship, while an Alien Migrant can never join the Amalgam, they can rise to the highest levels of society and government upon the surface world.

The Jung are pacifist creatures of great wisdom gained form their long life spans and possess an intense curiosity and empathy that extends to all forms of organic life. Though some voices in the Amalgam have been advocating the use of the mechanical, the Jung are traditionally focused on what they call "natural" technologies rather than AIs and other forms of robotic automation. Instead there is a strong focus on Bio-Technology and in fact there is some distrust of non-organic sentientants.

Other races are often wary at first contact due to the Jung's apparent strangeness but over centuries of contact, with the same Jung as ambassador for example, living and learning among the Alien Races builds a slow trust between them and the Jung. In general the Jung are considered a generous and trustworthy, even to the point of some cultures worshiping them as benevolent deities. Though while the Jung are equal opportunists and interact well with Aliens there is always a level of suspicion that can not be removed form some Alien Cultures do to the separatist nature of the Amalgam itself. There is a physical barrier of understanding when you start to talk less about the Outcropped and more about the Amalgam.

The Jung are in addition to being slow breeders are slow at colonization. This is because the Amalgam needs to be grown on other worlds and requires specific conditions that can not be replicated. The Outcropped and the Jung's Alien Migrants can colonize most system they have the technology for quickly, but until an actual Amalgam is grown over an excessive amount of time the colonies are technically advanced outposts and incapable of producing their own Outcropped. So reply soly on Migrants and Immigration of Outcropped.