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The Sim (Genetics based race)

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 5:46:30 AM

The Sim are race of genetic engineers who respect nature and prize unique biology.

-their gameplay is characterized by claiming valuable planets, terraforming planets, and assimilating other species peacefully, but doing this without making strong allies will only make you a target for more warlike races interested in your valuable real estate. necessitating a balance between diplomacy and self serving growth

-purposely vague on stats and bonuses as i don't know how to balance a game

Affinity:  Amalgam - each faction assimilated changes the sim genome granting unique bonuses based on who they were, empire bonus is gained political ideology is not - can only assimilate diplomatically, diplomacy screen displays assimilation bonus, makes for prioritization of some factions over others

Faction Traits:

  • Organic Hulls - ships heal damage over time and gain bonus xp (higher cost, lower fleet size)
  • Heuristic Genetics - terran, jungle and ocean worlds periodically generate random technologies (planets with life on them)
  • Adaptable - no happiness penalty for any planet colonized
  • Fertile Seeds - at full population gets a huge discount to terraforming 
  • start with terraforming unlocked

Victory Type: Diplomacy

Homeworld: gaieem - Sim for mother, a planet with extreme weather and geography, leading to equally extreme biological diversity

Lore:  Due to tribal influences arising from the temperamental weather patterns and the myriad dangers of various mega-fauna, disease and the ancestrally ingrained lesson that anything you don't recognize will probably kill you; the Sim have respect for nature and survival knowledge. Given these factors it should come as no surprise that their most prized and celebrated scientific field is genetics, seconded only to advancements that further this endeavor. Spinning life is the highest work one can undertake among the Sim. Whether it's an animal whose eyes can see every spectrum of light, a plant whose fruit will be fermented into fuel or a modification that will allow an astronaut to survive the vacuum of space. Hereditary changes are heavily regulated and policed, but modifications are not passed down resulting in extreme individual diversity. It is not uncommon for Sim to completely change their anatomy multiple times throughout their lifespan for work, living environment or preference. The Sim are separated into castes based on abilities that determine employment and can be changed as desired. The Sim did not conquer and reshape their home world, but themselves, they search for unknown worlds filled with biological wonders for them to unravel and assimilate.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 10:05:29 AM

I kind of like the idea but I don't really see any drawbacks on your traits it's all only + and no - . Why not on terran, jungle and ocean worlds have a chance of getting negative traits like: dangerous fauna/flora due to failed engineering. And I think the adaptable is wrong when they love nature, I would say more like: no penalties on (of course) terran, jungle, ocean, and no on tundra and desert and massive penalties on the rest, because their engineering is based on the possibilities of the home planet. This way you have to terraform the other worlds.

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9 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 4:07:08 PM

Cool idea for a genetically modifiable based race. I like how their motivation to explore the galaxy is to better their own genetics, like the Zerg but with intelligence and no swarm.

The traits of being both able to adapt to any planet type, while also being able to terraform more easily are at odd with each other, especially when their lore says they shape themselves rather than their homeworld.

Also, their traits and affinity are cool, but don't fit the theme of "pacifist diplomats" for this contest.

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