Concept: The Convergence are basically a faction of Dust-possessed dolls which function as a hive mind of sorts. The idea behind them is that they are made up of the Dust of a planet which, due to its high concentration, began gaining sentience, with a new initiative to further its collective knowledge. As a result, the Convergence lacks individuals in its basic form, producing doll-like "hosts" in order to facilitate communication with the other species. As the contest theme demands, the faction is not intended to be used as warriors, but balance its unique abilities with diplomacy in order to expand. When it comes to appearance I imagined six-foot-tall thin, delicate, high-tech porcelain dolls, faceless except for 2 eye-holes flooded with dust, with dust seeping through cracks out of them. The theme should be observed in ships as well, as sleek, elegant crafts, perhaps with some sort of dust cloud seeping out of them. 

Background/Culture: Born from a Dust anomaly in an Endless complex, the Convergence grants itself three directives: learn, evolve, expand. As a self-improving AI bent on learning from the new world around it, the Convergence exists only to further its purpose. Outside of diplomacy, it finds physical form both unsuitable and unnecessary, preferring to rely on its existing structure as Dust in order to improve the various aspects of evolution. For the purpose of diplomatic exchange, living areas exist, as the collective Dust inhabits the Endless creations, the above-mentioned "dolls",in order to facilitate interaction. As parts of the same being, a true sense of individuality doesn't exist, each of the individual dolls addressing itself as "we", and speaking in the name of the Convergence as a whole. Unbound by moral limitations, yet driven by purpose and cold logic, the Convergence does not hesitate to use underhanded tactics, or even things perceived negatively by the rest of the species, in order to further its own goals, while always taking into consideration the implications of such actions. Internally, the Dust is one, yet occasional anomalies of "individuality" in constructs do exist.

Gameplay Mechanics: Planet-wise, there is no political conflict, due to the unity of the Convergence, yet, if intended, a possible "individuality" faction could exist, as a non-expansive, purely diplomatic faction that abandoned the original purpose of expansion . Dust production could increase the rate of population expansion, while the population can be "sacrificed" to boost resource production. For balance purposes, the total population a planet can have will be permanently decreased by a number for each stage of the boost. This works the other way around as well, lowering production to increase population, with greater population boosting diplomatic performance. In inter-species diplomacy, the Convergence is intended to have the ability to instantly assimilate a populated planet, as long as it is not the capital, with noticeably negative diplomatic consequences, while also gaining a bonus to the production of a certain resource based on the planet's previous inhabitants. Minor factions planets can also be assimilated, with their capital being a possibility as long as it has been isolated. Should a minor faction be assimilated this way, their bonuses will be diminished by a certain percent, and faction ideologies will not be obtained. The core gameplay shall serve as diplomacy vs expansion, the balance being precarious due to weak military forces. Should the individuality faction exist, a second core mechanic would revolve around the maintaining of unity among the Convergence, in favor of one or the other, encouraging choosing one side to rule them all, as possible division leading to drawbacks. Also, for the dual-faction scenario, only the individuality shall have heroes. 

Thank you.