Affinity : Bound together : Only Together they are Strong alone they are lost . The Homeworld of The Rebooted is their Core World with enough Devices to Connect them all together , A new colony in a unconnected system can´t grow more Population of the Rebooted and get a -75% modifiere to dust and Science Production for the entire Planet A system can get connected if it builds The Comm-Hub-Satelite Improvement which needs 50x(number of least Lanes connecting this system with a Connected system or the Core System) Production to be build and has of 3x(number of least Lanes connecting this system with a Conncted System or Core System ) . A connected System gets a +2 Population Cap Bonus . Later Researches Adding minor Bonuses for Connected Systems and percental  Bonuses for The Coreworld and the ability to make a second core world using Advanced Technolgy and High Idustrial and Dust costs and one Research unlocks a Module which uses the ship it is build in to create a Temporary Comm-Hub-Stalite for 10 rounds.They are Industrialists.

Lore: They were Build to Help the Virtual endless in The Dust war not with Guns but with Fortresses and infrastructure . But the Dust War left the Planet they were Constructed on destroyed before they could be activated . But now through pure Luck they got Activated.They foundet a Goverment which is lead by the thoughts of all even if everyone has his own opinion . Now they have finsihed Repairing and Researching and start their first Ships into space , Will they chatter apart the universe or will they connect them with the Rest of the Universe , searching for their old Masters ?