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The Forseers: Infiltration-based Shapeshifting Political Masterminds.

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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 7:22:55 PM

"We didn't know they were there because they didn't want us to know. They've been there the whole time, pulling the strings, affecting our history, controlling our politics. Now they're finally showing themselves, and we don't know why."

The Forseers have witnessed the end. They've seen it in many different ways. War, Pestilence, Greed. They know the races of the universe will bring about its undoing.

For a long time the Forseers lived among the other races of the universe, disguised as other species, using their linked minds to communicate with each other across planets, and even across galaxies. Their linked minds gave them their intelligence, their linked minds gave them the sight. There is only one true path to prevent the universe's destruction- Unity.

The Forseers would have a special ability, one that works sort of like the infiltration system in endless legend- Only instead of sabotaging intent, they would manipulate the people, sway the masses, affect public opinion. All the while interacting with the planetary leaders on their own front. A two-pronged strike with the goal of making the other factions link together for the sake of protecting the universe from an otherwise inevitable destruction.

No war Declaration.

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9 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 4:30:49 PM

Cool concept, of this hidden network (sounds like a conspiracy theory), based faction. However, the devs have said that our factions can't have previous contact with other factions, so that "first contact" is a meaningful event in-game. May need some reworking.

Also, I suggest laying out the faction's traits and affinities in a list to make things more clear, like I do here.

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