I've linked a more detailed text file to the bottom of this post.  It most definitely goes over the 200 word limit, but it's what I'm drawing from in this quick summary.  I'd like to point out that while I talk about the *Return of the Endless* here as if that's totally a thing in the game, remember that this is what they believe.  That's it - hell, their prophecies don't even detail how long it will take for the Endless to return.  It's just the entire focus of their society.  No one questions it.  


The {Abstract Name Here} are shrewd diplomats who use their talent for controlling and manipulating Dust to unite other Factions under their banner as they prepare for the Return of the Endless.  


The {Abstract Name Here} are a race obsessively focused on the return of the Endless.  They focus on bringing their nation together with all other races to prepare for this Return. They believe it will bring disaster to the galaxy on a scale unknown since the Endless War.  Once willing servants to the Endless, they were betrayed by the Virtuals/Concrete during the Endless War.  Infighting (whether due to Endless meddling or their own doing) destroyed any chance the {Abstract Name Here} had of fighting back.  They were reduced to a primitive race technologically, and were forced to give up the stars by the Endless.

A little over two hundred, but it'll do.  If you want a text wall to TL;DR, check out this link theAshes.txt