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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 10:17:47 AM

Unique Trait: At One - Cannot use industry, Instead food is used to construct buildings and starships. Terraformation techs unlocked earlier and are cheaper.

Population bonus:  +3 +1 per population

Gameplay: Colonize many worlds and terraform them to grant the largest bonus you need, using massive production to construct great wonders far faster than any other civilisation. Diplomacy is required to enable rapid expansion as their military is weak so diplomatic incidents should be avoided. Main victory type is expansion.

History: After their homeworld passed through a dust storm the flora and fauna of Kalai'Sera were melded into a unique lifeform both plant and animal. Their transformation also gave them the ability to commune with nature via telepathy and gave them a deep understanding of the natural order. In this way it wasn't long before the Kalai gave up developing stone tools and instead turned to nature itself to construct their homes and later starships that took their colonists to the barren worlds of the galaxy in their quest to bring the glory of life to the every world, no matter the cost. They pride diplomacy over warfare, however their understanding of nature is a constant reminder that war may be just around the corner.

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9 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 4:45:23 PM

Cool concept, similar to the Sowers from ES1. But how do they fit the "diplomatic pacifists" theme for this contest?

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