The Licarians are an empathic reptilian race. The Licarians affinity with the ability to sense emotions, they require others to feel alive, they want to form alliances with other races. They a bonus to production and happiness based on how large there alliance has grown. They feel disgusted when they have to kill another, and thous gain negatives when they are at war, unless it is with a race that can not have peace, in that case they believe they are fighting for the right of others to live peaceful lives. When the Licarians where primitive they were bloodthirsty savages only thinking about their next kill, but as they evolved they started to develop empathic senses. When they gained this ability, they started to feel sickened when they killed. The emotions of death drove some of them insane, so they threw away their savage traditions. Then they began to form new traditions, and that is when they discovered the emotion happiness,  this new emotion filled their cold bodies with such warmth, that they didn't even understood why they fought each other in the first place. Then they began to reach for the stars to spread their ideals of peace.

The Licarians are peaceful explorers, and are meant to be played just as they are described. Naturally they are very hardy and muscle bound, but mentally they are philosophers and being empathic means they can sense the emotions of others. Any research military research they perform is twice as long, but research in government and diplomacy is halved. Licarians are also very communal and planets with higher population also gain a happiness bonus. Licarians can not willing declare war, and they do not fight offensive wars.