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The Varshji - A insectoid race.

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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 2:27:06 PM

Name / Concept: Varshji - a race of peacefull insectoids which uses biological enginering instead of other technology.

Gameplay: The Varshji is a massive swarm like race with a sort of egyptian design. that is based upon early scouting and meeting other factions. They can therefor build alot of.
ships quickly and quickly meet anyone closeby to start up good relations. They are also heavily food based, to make it a stronger focus in game
(it might just be me, but I always saw very limited focus on food in endless space). They are a bit akin to the Cultists from the Endless legend aswell,
they spread out, minor factions and bring them into agreements, making it easier for them to defend against races such as Cravers, which they can't bring peace to.

Biological matter: Gets a heavy production / industry bonus from food, but requires alot more food in return to make the population grow.


Swarm: Ships are cheaper and quicker to make with a slight increase in attack power, but have a lower healthpool.

Pacifist belief: Happiness will decrease rapidly if you declare war, but will it will increase, aswell as your production, if you have a peacefull agreement.

Beautiful carapace: The wonderfully coloured Varshji is quite impressive too see, making smaller factions more friendly.

Calming Pheromones: Groundbased armies sent against Varshji planets will be reduced by 50% in effectiveness.

The Varshji is a race of insectoids, stemming from the beautiful sands of Varjai, a massive desert planet. They are tall scarab like insectoids, with shimmering carapaces in green, blue and red.
They where a very sepperated people, living in seperated Civilisations and countries, not really managning anything without bickering with eachother. All of this, untill the great Queens arrived.

The great queens were and is a strange mutation of the normal Varshji. They are large beings, covered in golden glowing carpaces with a strange almost gem like orb attached to their abdomen, which glow faintly.
There can ever only be one queen at a time, and when this being is close to death, her "pearl" will release, before hatching into the next queen.

This being had a strange telepathic link to the rest of the Varshji, making her capable of calming them and bringing them together, utulizing this advantage to gather all of the Varshji into a unified force that disliked violence and
wished a unified peace. WIth this unification they quickly began developing a complex biological technology and set to the stars in their magnificent scarabs... ready to spread this peace to the galaxy.

(Just to make it clear xD I haven't been playing Endless space for a while, so some of the terms is a bit... foggy for me, so I am sorry for any missunderstandings or "wrong"words xD)

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9 years ago
Aug 14, 2016, 10:20:49 AM

(Sorry for the slight Grammar mistakes that were made :D My first language is Swedish and not English xD)

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 8:20:28 AM

Thanks for the vote :3

Warms my cold heart xD

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