
Kirrosians are a race of very peaceful creautures.Their main goal is to bring peace to the galaxy in any way (except war of course ) .

Kirrosian homeworld called Fumpy-I is located near a white dwarf called Merfiron.It's temperature is very low,so Kirrosians build their cities near geyser because of their heat.Long time ago they decided to build channels near the geysers to heat a bigger area.A group of cities located near 1 geyser is called clan.When clans had had problems,clan leaders met in neutral territory and started to debate.And even when Kirrosians had reached space,they continued to live in clans.

Kirrosian homeworld is very cold,so they have to keep warm when they travel.They all have long white fur,but they also have somthing like hair,that has different color.Male Kirrosians also have long facial hair.

They also have big cheeks to carry aditional food inside them,in general Kirrosian apperience takes after hamsters a lot.


Feature №1 -Xenophilia- When you meet a major faction,you gain a 30% approval  boost for 5 turns.

Feature №2 -Educated Diplomats- All diplomatic operations cost 50% less.

Feature №3 -Friendly big brother- Minor factions are easy to befriend.

Feature №4 -Pacifism- You can't build ships or other military stuff.You can only buy them.

Feature №5 -Special building techniques- You can choose a planet where to put a building after buildind it.

Main feature -Sacred world- When you colonize a planet,you can make a temple out of it.You can't build anything on that planet,but it gives a lot of prestige to you.Every new pops give additional prestige. (Temple planet is covered with little shrines that are connected with each other with ropes with little flags on them)

P.S. I hope you like my idea

P.S.S. Sorry if i made mistakes.I'm not a native English speaker.