Dizznitzi, diminuitive frolickers

An unexpected biological anomaly are the Dizznitzi. They exhibit the classic humanoidal physiology - but they are unusually small creatures, barely half-an-inch in size. Owing to their size, their cerebral system is not nearly as potent as that of other major galactic contenders, but science has yet to explain how any level of sophistication and intelligence is possible in such a small package. On the other hand, their size also affords them a completely different relationship to resources. They need little and in turn consider themselves living in happy affluence in even the most meager of environments. Perhaps the perceived oppulence a Dizznitzi experiences, or perhaps the relatively simple-minded nature of these creatures, causes some of them to challenge aggressors independently - and here their exceedingly small size allows them to infiltrate and sabotage with relative ease.

Faction affinities

Dizznitzi subsistence - a Dizznitzi does not need much. In any given system both food and industry are equal to the higher of food and industry; however all science is halved.

Dizznitzi privateers - to  some Dizznitzi, war is personal. Any faction the Dizznitzi are at war with receive a 30% penalty to FIDS.

Bohemian gloryhounds - a Dazznitzi loves drama. Random events (both good and bad) as well as quest rewards are doubled for Dizznitzi.

Play notes: Dizznitzi subsistence slows down research a lot; but to some extent this is compensated by the ability to focus on either food or industry related research and have the benefits apply to the other. Dizznitzi encourage pacifism (at least toward themselves) by the significant deterrent penalty placed on aggressors.