
Affinity: Cultural Juggernaut

Shawarani society, from the seediest bars to the grandest palaces are all nodes in a great network. A network that is turned with ruthless efficiency towards those that would threaten the Empress.

The Shawarani do not take War Exhaustion, any action that would push the War Exhaustion onto their side of the bar will simply bottom out at 0. They can also mark one resource other than Influence on every planet that will instead generate its output as influence. This ability is toggled on and off, and can be changed from one resource to another (switching resources, as well as toggling the ability on and off takes a few turns)

The Shawarani are a very slow-moving faction, mostly focused on improving their own systems and planets in order to nab those resources to convert into influence. They are relatively safe from warfare, as their lack of War Exhaustion makes warring with them mostly pointless. The Shawarani are for the players that prefer to start out slow, building up to the point where they become the Juggernaut the affinity promised them. Their ability to convert other resources means that over the course of the game they will build up a monsoon of influence that will sweep over the rest of the factions and force them to conform to your will. 


The Shawarani Empress was once a human, or so they say. Now however, after untold ages exposed to Dust and experimental Concrete technology has made her something far more. She created the Shawarani, human-like "space elves" that possess only enough autonomy to appear as if sentient. The truth is that every single one of them are a part of a sprawling hierarchy with every rung higher on the social ladder having direct physical and mental control of those below them. This Shawa Chroisena, the "Exalted Bond" ends at the empress, a being who is both one woman and an entire race. The Shawarani are peaceful though, their only goal in life to exist peacefully within their own systems. However, as conflicts escalate and other races war over (to the Shawarani) meaningless things, they find themselves forced to spread onto the galactic stage and act in whatever way ensures lasting peace.

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