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Eternals Personatus, Diplomats mercenaries telepaths

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9 years ago
Aug 14, 2016, 8:30:44 AM


The personatus are immortals thanks to their high level technology ; they can't die with naturals way. They spend, thousands and thousands year ago, all their time to make Death like an old memory. But this immortality created, throug the ages, a powerfull fear of death, wich become a kind of religion ; the religion of Death, of the End. Their only fear. When you spend thousands years and even more to build something, the fear of losing life become a paranoia. That's why  they are macabre, dark, and even their ships are like grave-worlds.

They have a natural disposition for mental manipulation, and they use it to force others people for agrements-for a certain time, always in order to avoïd their own end.  But it's not free...Personatus are the first, and the only race, to be Mercenaries Diplomats. 

Some said they are the best diplomat thanks to their schools where citizen spend thousands years to learn how to negociate ; others said it's due to their mental disposition. In fact, they use Dust and mental power to force treaty.


What make them specials 

-As diplomatic Mercenaries, Personatus can use their capacities of mental manipulation to force treaty for a certain time between two factions (relatively short).
Others species can contract, with a special menu like a market, with Personatus to make them force a treaty.
-The targeted faction can make a better offer to avoid the contracts.
-This action cost Dust to Personatus, because they use it to manipulate minds.
-In exchange, Personnatus can demand more Dust than the action's cost, or ressources.
-They need some time between two contracts.


-Personatus, because of their fear of death and their immortality, suffer an hapiness penalty each time one their military fleet  is destroyed. An immortal's death is real lose.

-As immortals, Personnatus have more capacities than mortals. They had thousansd years to improve their skills. Each planet obtain a little bonus to FIDS with time, but their population grow slowly.

-Tolerance Toundra

-Victory : Diplomatic


Thanks Amplitude for letting us a chance to be a part of the game, that's really nice.

PS : As you can see, English isn't my main language (I'm from the land of Wine and Cheese !). Sorry for the faults !

EDIT : trying to make my ideas clearer.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 8:32:12 PM

I love this concept of how this is an old death-fearing race. Very creative. Is there a way to use this lore you've established to bend them more towards diplomacy?

The last two gameplay bullet points are a bit unclear to me (perhaps lost in translation). Could you clear this up for us? What is different for other factions making deals with the Peronatus?

Also, you say they are mercenaries in their lore, but it's unclear how the traits reflect this fact.

Good stuff, keep it up!

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9 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 8:57:46 PM

Thanks, it's very cool to read your feedback !

I will edit my post to clarify one or two things.

Personnatus are mercenaries diplomat because they contract deals with others races to force another race to accept some agrements (peace, open border etc...). They use it because of their fear of death ; manipulating other species give them a better chance to live. This action cost them dust, because they use it and their mind-power to manipulate. In exchange, they can ask more Dust than the cost of the action, or others rewards (ressources ?).

Feel free to upvote my idea, and thanks you ! 

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