Imperial Industries/industrialists/salespeople

Gameplay focus-industry and economy. They play almost like a one city challenge but that city is super powerful.

They cannot generate money but they have a lot of ways to make it off of other factions even if the factions don't readily have it they can aquire other things. The orbital shipyards means they can pump out starships to sell and the industrialist planets can produce science-industry-food to sell as well. They cannot conquer but vasslaize and enslave through diplomatic means and if a minor faction falls into "debt" with them they can aquire them. 

A massive corperation of industrialists, scientists and military officers devoted to the betterment of the company.

They hail from systems unknown by an other faction, their technology is extremely alien and thier objecteves even more so. The massive triangular ships they fly streak across the cosmos selling everything from massive battleships to quality home goods. Being led by a man only know as the CEO-(and head of the board of directors) and run by thousands of different alien species

Lore/ quest-.hailing. From an unknown galaxy with the purpose of expanding the reach of the company the colony ship became lost in a wormhole and ended up on the starting location the whole quest is finding a way to reconnect with management and to bring them here at the end a massive fleet is called in with management ect. Kinda like that subject to change ect.

Architecture and ships-think if he empire from star wars and apple got together to form a company.dark lines grey black red white ect. 

Gameplay features

MAIN-Industrialsit company-They can sell anything to any other major or minor faction, from battleships to luxury resources to even industry, for a price. They cannot declare War and since they hail from a different galaxy and have superior scanning technology they already know and have industrialsts/salespeople in every factions home planet.

THEY CANNOT GENERATE MONEY THEMSELVES they are a company and as such gain money from trade and selling things. They can build trade ships that go from planet to plate selling goods and return home creating cash.

Can build company headquarters on factions homeworld like an embassy but provides cash.

Side note mabe the more a faction uses imperial items them more there stuff gradually starts to look like imperials from buildings to space stations ect.


 -they can force minor factions to work for them essentially turning them into slaves for a massive industrial bonus.

-Industrial sabotage-diplomats/industrial spy's can steal and also sell technology to other factions they also build up relations (good or bad) over time 

-Major Orbital shipyards-unique structure that can ring a planet giving a massive boost to industry that you can sell to other factions 

They gain an industry boost for every minor shipyard they construct 

They CANNOT declare war but can minipulate other sides into fighting each other and profiting from it.

Factions do not know who they are selling to so hypothetically a war can be waged with both factions using your ships.

Their ships can be sold and loaned to other factions for a one time price or a payment.

Can designate planets to INDUSTRIAL meaning they become industrial wastelands factory's over every horizon 

-They have debuffs on thier ability to expand and conquer they cannot conquer planets only make them kinda like vassal company's. 

You can almost the ink of them as a limited system challenge almost like Venice in CIV5.