Name Faction: Kraat

Unique feature: Emerald fleet.

Dreadnoughts are the living space city, traveling in space and may contain a certain number of citizens. Fleet, who heads by Dreadnought is converted into an emerald fleet. Building dreadnoughts available before, and the first construction costs 2 times cheaper.

Features emerald fleet:

1. Can contain only one dreadnought.

2. It can not attack, but can cross the closed border.

3. Can create galactic node, next to the planet. It provides substantial bonuses to dust and science for the owner of the planet and the fleet owner. It reduces the cost of the diplomatic action with the owner of the planet.

4. The other player can move to the emerald fleet node to make a deal, which will bring in two times more issue from trade routes to the planet for a few turns and less dust instantly for both players.

5. Can be formed and disbanded only in your home system.

6. Each unit population of emerald fleet increases bonuses received from him.

Appearance: Kraat - plants creation, the size of a child. Kraat born in the fruit of mothertrees, which can grow on the planet they inhabit and on their ships (at this population in the fleet can be increased). Their body is covered with thick green bark, which enables them to photosynthesize, but they can also consume a normal food. These features allow a very fast increase the population.

Homeworld Kraat - jungle. Long centuries of dust exposure on this planet have created a race that is very fast and is developing rapidly.

Kraat very curious towards other forms of life. They always try to peacefully infiltrate into other races customs and traditions, to learn the endless space more. They send their emerald fleets to all points of the universe for trade, strengthen relations and explore new large and small factions.

Victory type: Diplomatic.

Emerald fleets give bonuses for the owners of the planets near which they are located. All races will be happy to take it near itself that will strengthen the friendly relations with the other factions. Reducing the cost of the diplomatic action for each emerald fleet will allow  Kraat very cheap to make deals with other players, which will bring them closer to a diplomatic victory.