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The Lynnh Circle

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9 years ago
Aug 14, 2016, 8:02:27 PM

(I'm sorry for my very bad English. I hope, however, you understand the concept of this faction.)

The Lynnh Circle

"Matriarchal Oligarchy of Galactic Peace"

Diplomatic / Wonder / Science


Biography :


The Circle is a Giant Orbital Station, in accretion disc and turn around the native world of the Lynnh race. This humanoid good looking race, migrated to the orbital place of their world, for escape an anomaly. 

That's anomaly given to they, a great native disorder between the two gender. For 8 boys, just 2 girls. This curse put them slowly to the brink of extinction..

.. And build a matriarchal nation.

For that reason, female Lynnh had a great power and a lot of responsibilities in their society. Male Lynnh was just basic soldier, engineer, scientist or laborer.

The Lynnh people, try to find a cure, in the DNA of all others species. But it's impossible to do with violence for them.. 

For do this, the Lynnh use diplomacy. The Lynnh Circle's Station, has a lot of embassy, neutral place, Duty free zone and a great "Galactic Council". 

The second power of the Circle, was his biggest Ship "The Peacemaker". It's a great defensive ship, build for diplomatic and media operations, all around the galaxy. 



Factions Traits :


  • Native Disorder : Population grow slowly
  • Precious life : Great disapproval on new colony
  • Heal the Circle : Additional science to cure the Native Disorder, along the game. Science bonus for every Peace/Allied Faction.
  • The Lynnh Circle Station : Special upgrade for the home world of the Circle (FIDSI, Defense, Approval, ect..)
  • The Peacemaker : Great diplomatic Ship, can give bonus, depending on his location. On Lynnh Territory, give a defense and approval bonus on system. On War/Coldwar territory, give a malus of influence on enemy. On Peace territory, give a bonus of influence and science. On Allied territory, give a bonus of influence, science and dust. 
  • The Peace Fleet : Every Ship have good defensive capacity, but a limited firepower.
  • Militia : A lot of lonesome men sign in. Defense bonus on system. 
  • Protect the Ladies : +20% Defence on Lynnh Heroes.
Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 3:55:52 AM

Cool idea. I like the concepts you have here. My main question is who the Peacemake ship gives the bonuses to when not in the Lynnh empire, to the Lynnh, or to the other faction? I like how the traits are clearly built around strengthening the Lynnh as they make peace, but why would other factions want to make peace with them? Wouldn't they avoid it to cripple them?

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9 years ago
Aug 18, 2016, 7:32:36 PM

In my idea, the ship give bonuses to the Lynnh Faction, and his allies. It's a additional bonus on FIDS for the Lynnh (for adjusting with their little territory) and a good gain for Allies. The Ship can already use some capacity (Like recovery on system or breakable blocus) 

It's already the reason for being at peace with the Lynnh, but for the most aggressive enemy, this faction with a great influence and with the starship (who reduce enemy influence) can impose "Forced peace" by this feature.

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