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8 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 9:40:27 AM


The "Regulators" are an old technological advanced species. They look like a space guild from an important desert-novel but not human-style; more like mysterious space-frogs in gray coats with bizarre translator-drones and baroque-ships. The best way to describe their society is that they love order. Their government is leading by a guild of  technocrats. From time to time you get special diplomacy-quests from the guild. It's obvious that the "supporter-gods" of the "Regulator" the "concrete endless" hate the "virtual endless creators" of the Craver. The other species mistrust the constant meddling in their politics by the "Regulators". There are rumors scattered by the factions who fight with the Regulators that their real goal behind the pacifism is that nobody can put in question their domination and idea of order.


They can not declare war in peacetime. But Regulators as diplomatic pacifists “must” intervene in wars to preserve peace in the galaxy by diplomacy and finally by power and try to prevent the destruction of any species - except cravers or similar minor factions. This is their goal for the game: Every civilized faction must survive!  Their pacifism is not based on the idea of morality or xenophilia. It's a cold sober consideration of history: Violence is a constant. Perpetual peace does not exist. The only difference is whether it is unregulated violence or regulated. Unregulated violence is destructive und must be regulated to restore order. Why are they interested in the fate of the other? Because they are the only ones who can and want regulate this…This is their rational belief, their irrational religion, their fate!

Affinity: "Space police"

Their ideology brings them inevitably in conflict with military strong factions. To enforce its approach and make the paradox perfect, they have a strong focus on military-, drive- and diplomatic-technologies which they can explore faster. 


  • Can’t declare war in peacetime: Exception are the cravers, pirates 
  • Can’t occupy enemy planets – only free to the original owner or terminate craver-planets 
  • Forced by people to intervene in wars – Outcome leads to content-bonus or malus
  • If the military way is choosen they must fight in favor of the weaker faction(s)
  • Get a bonus to diplomacy especially to “open borders”
  • Can explore military-tech, drive-tech and diplomacy-tech 20% faster
  • Solving Guild-Qeusts give them dust or production bonus


Wartime: If a war breaks out and the “Regulators” have contact with the involved factions there will be a popup that the guild  want a diplomatic intervention. So the “Regulators” must try to force the involved factions to sign a peace treaty. For example with dust-, tech-, or trade offers. If the diplomatic way is successful the “Regulators” get a “Content-bonus” which leads to a more efficient economy and science on the planets. Furthermore they get a relationship-bonus to the weaker faction in the conflict which make it easier to make good trades. 

But if this way is not successful they get a increasing content-malus per round because the people dislike the inability to solve the war(s). This way force them to strengthen their diplomatic-efforts or to intervene by force which give a short content-bonus but the people want to see success! Which side to fight for? Morale –black or white- plays no role. The efficient way to stop war is to decide to the weaker faction(s) after power points (Ships, Planets, Techs) and to make the stronger faction clear that they must stop.

It is clear that the pacifist must fight many battles with many factions to win the game…


Every civilized faction must survive til round… If a faction is destroyed they must free their home-planets and earlier core systems til round .. to restore the faction. This faction is for the rest of the game an alliance-partner. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 16, 2016, 3:20:56 PM

Cool idea. Can we see some more traits and an expanded bio laying out the origin of these guys? Check out other faction submissions for ideas. Also, the "space police" idea is cool lore-wise, but you should be more specific on how it is implemented gameplay wise. For instance, if another faction is destroyed do the Regulators automatically lose, as seems to be hinted at in your description? What reasons does the faction have for getting involved in a war? And how do they decided which side is the side to fight for (this is not always black and white)? What if a military faction is picking on a weaker one that is across the galaxy, how can the Regulators get there in time to intervene?

Keep up the good work!

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