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The Ko

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9 years ago
Aug 17, 2016, 2:04:11 AM

Unique Game play Mechanic 

The Ko are link telepathically with any sentient life that is near by them. This gives them the ability to know what other species are planning and even influence the way other factions think about one another.


To kill another is to experience death itself for the Ko. Since to dawn of time the Ko have linked with one another, and used their unique sense to avoid the more vicious species on their home planet. Ko society grew until one fateful day the Ko discovered that they were not the only intelligent species on their planet. They encountered a hive mind know as the Racorr, while the idea of coexistence delighted many Ko, but great differences and  great misunderstandings eventually led to an all out way between the Ko and Racorr. Towards the end of the war many Ko were exhausted, and looking for a way to find peace. A desire for a future that came too late, the Racorr queen had been killed by a rogue Ko faction. Racorr was dead, but it did not die immediately. They did not take days, they did not take weeks, they took months to slowly die away one by one. All the while the Ko had no choice but to feel the Racorr's pain, its fear, it's endless grief and agony. The Ko felt every emotion, and they realized the great sin their species had committed. Haunted by their past the Ko go to the stars in search of redemption, and hope to prevent other sentient life from committing the sin they are guilty off.  

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 17, 2016, 3:18:56 AM

A good start for sure. I like the telepathic link theme they have going on. Is it dust based?

Can you be more specific about what sorts of information their affinity gives? Also what are their traits? I feel you have a good foundation for an interesting faction here. There are lots of great ideas here by many people, I suggest checking them out (for instance, here is my submission) to help develop the Ko's gameplay specifics.

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9 years ago
Aug 18, 2016, 10:40:03 PM

Id imagine that they would use influence for the telepathic link. The telepathy could shed light on the politics, techs, and other parts of an empire. As far as the traits go i'm holding off on them for now. We were only supposed to add a biography and a brief explanation of what makes them special.

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9 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 1:57:52 PM

I like how the Ko are looking for redemption from their past sins and how they are telepathically connected to all other life. I believe that this could lead to a very interesting faction quest line.

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