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The Ending

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9 years ago
Aug 17, 2016, 7:06:24 PM


Ages ago the Endless created a spherical computer out of pure Dust. Time passed and this "New Sun" shaped the primitive life on the planets orbiting it. Its creators looked on proudly and decided to share this wondrous invention with the universe immediately. To facilitate this they planned to make the "New Sun" go super-nova. This would ensure a speedy propagation of Dust encoded with instructions on how to replicate "New Suns", and provide a wide-reaching even distribution of the knowledge. The "New Sun" was rigged to go nova, the button pressed, and everything went wrong. Instead of going nova the "New Sun" collapsed into a dark hole. The computational matrix collapsing into a singularity, and the monitor A.I. that had shaped the worlds around it gaining darkened, fractured sentience of its own. All life in that system physically died that day, but their bodies would live on. The shells that they left behind converted into hollow servants, capable of shape-shifting and subtlety influencing the minds of others. This new "Dusk Sun" now seeks to spread influence outside of the singularity it's trapped in. It's only goal, remake the universe in its image, and bring the end to all else.

Core Faction Affinity:

Dusk Radiation - All Non-Ending controlled systems adjacent to systems with a "Dusk Sun" suffer a production penalty unless allied with The Ending. (To slow hostle ships from being built.)


Strong Impression - All other factions positive diplomatic opinions of The Ending are multiplied by 1.5, but all other factions negative diplomatic opinions of The Ending are multiplied by 2.

Space Hulks - All Ending ships have less armor and can take less damage.

Twisted Visions - The Ending cannot use science to research technologies. (They can still acquire it though.) Instead they use a resource known as "Dusk"

A Dusk Sun Watches - The Sun in The Endings starting system provides 1 "Dusk" per turn.

Mind Over Matter - Various Military Technologies are replaced with technologies that produce or utilize "Dusk".

Subsume - If The Ending defeat a faction by conversion they obtain a lowest level technology that that faction has they do not already know.

Starting Technologies:

Dusk Hub (Costs 5 Dusk)  - A Building that converts Science to "Dusk" at a set rate.

Broadcast Station - A building that spreads positive influence in an area around where it is built. (Can be built on enemy planets during a war.)

Possible "Dusk" Technologies - 

Mind Rakers  - Ships that (Cost 2 Dusk) and can attack a planets population, turning it against itself. (Causes an increase in the percentage of the planets population that would vote for peace with The Ending.)

Sun Shift  - Turns a sun into a "Dusk Sun" (Provides 1 Dusk per turn) at the cost of 150 Dust and 30 Dusk

Affinity Ideas:

Instead of using Science to research The Ending use a resource called "Dusk" this represents entropic energy feeding the "Dark Sun" and it releasing information to it's servants in exchange.

Two types of Embassies, one that functions as normal. The other slowly converts the faction into Ending and can be forced onto factions that they are at war with. The other factions don't know which they get.

If you like this faction please share it with others *https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/contest/105-major-faction-creation-contest-game-design/proposition/20031-the-ending#post-last*

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 17, 2016, 7:36:16 PM

Great lore. I like how unique it is, and how it is worked into the Endless Universe. Careful though, the biography is way over 200 words, and the devs are being strict about this.  

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