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"Flares" - Sun Fiery Party People

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9 years ago
Aug 18, 2016, 2:09:43 PM

Name: "Flares


"These pure energy humanoid beings were created by the Endless from star power. Since their creators fall no more star Flares were created only fire based ones, most of the Sunborn, as they are called have already extinguished. They are always looking for new ways to entertain themselves and others but also maintaining their traditional culture and way of life. Most of their festivals revolve around fire shows and how they can manipulate the colors of their flames. Because they take an easygoing way of life they avoid wars and conflict among themselves and other major empires. They are led by their King who during his long lifetime always seeked Peace among all galaxy’s people: organizing interestelar events and promoting pacific interaction among species, while at the same time looking for useful friendships. Their society is divided between the ancient Sunborns that make up the aristocracies and the Flameborns, which make up the rest of the population, even with a distinction in origin, the society is not divided when focusing on organizing beautiful shows. Sure, this constant partying lifestyle has it’s set backs in other áreas, such as productivity or research.But hey, that’s what friends are for right?"

Faction Affinity: Intergalatic Affairs
Allows establishing Agreements with other empires that generate a big boost of Influence and temporarily highly increases empire-wide approval when completed, also the influence cost of friendly interactions has a small discount. They also get extra generation of influence towards Diplomatic Pressure and it is easier to make demands.

I am completely unsure if this is a good submission and since it took me a while to post someone might have already written about fire-like people or party-addicted people (too many submissions, don't have much time to check them out, sorry) and if that is the case I apologize, it wasn't my intention to steal someone's idea. I wasn't sure if the Affinity was a group of lots of small differences or if it is one big gameplay bonus. Sorry if my english is not that good, its not my first language and it is late here. 


Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 18, 2016, 9:18:47 PM

Have no fear, your entry is unique! I've seen a molten rock based faction, and one that has a party-ish theme, but nothing like this flame concept. These agreements that they establish for their affinity, is this an alternative to normal alliances, or do you mean an extra effect when an alliance is declared? Also, what is the other faction's motivation to allow for these agreements? Won't they want to decline, just so the Flares don't get the bonus?

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9 years ago
Aug 19, 2016, 6:03:10 AM

Hey! Thanks for the feedback! The Agreement works just like a research or a commercial agreement but for influence and approval (on both empires). You actually raised a good point, I didn't think of it up to now. I think that instead of getting a boost towards researching or building something, they could get extra influence generation towards Diplomatic Pressure (just saw this on Diplomacy GDD), so they can demand such things without going to war easily.

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