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The Etherions: Ethereal diplomats

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9 years ago
Aug 19, 2016, 11:34:15 PM

Race Name: The Etherions


Psionic Shields: All of their ships have a 25-50% chance to Block incoming physical weapons (kinetic and missiles)increased weakness to Lasers.

Ethereal Spies: Spies cannot be killed in action, when discovered they turn Etherial and escape, but they cannot be used for N-turns because they need to recover from the transition

Ethereal Diplomats: Once a certain intrigue level is reached through espionage. The race can influence the diplomatic actions of other races, (brokering peace between two races at war, gaining the research items being traded if you haven't already researched them, Forcing a war between two peaceful races (should require a extremely high intrigue level), pretty much the ability to have a hand in all diplomatic actions)

Unique Structure: Dimensional Shifter(name open for suggestions): Allows a system/colony to temporalily Phase out of this dimension For N~turns, During this Time FIDS production is disabled, after the effect has ended can not be activated for N~turns due the device needing to be recharged.

weapon weaknesses: all weapons suffer from a 50% drop in attack power

Defenses: 25-40% increases in defensive capabilities

Population: 75% slower growth rate but 100% extra population capacity

Economy: reduced economic power, some small bonuses from espionage

Culture: same as economy

Espionage: 10-25% better chances for spies

Diplomacy: 10-25% increase in diplomatic value( your stuff is worth more


Having shed their physical bodies thousands of years ago and retreated to another dimension, the Etherions have had little need to leave their won space. But the recent wars between the younger races has caused disruptions in their dimensional space, as a result the High council has decided to return a small portion of their population to the known universe. Having noticed the inconvenience of ethereal bodies, Using there Prowess in Psionic abilities they have constructed corporeal bodies out of the very atoms themselves.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 12:05:38 AM

Maybe you could have a special structure that you can build on your worlds that allow them to phase out when invaded?

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 3:54:45 AM

Well thought out. Cool ideas that fit a theme. I like it.

Note, some concern of the devs about the lore of "etherial" factions was brought up here. May be worth checking out... Maybe you can keep the theme but alter the lore a bit?

Good luck! Keep it coming!  

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 6:07:03 AM

okay i have altered the Lore a bit and changed one of the traits. can you link me where it says they have concerns about ethereal races

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 1:01:43 PM
genobeesrage wrote:

okay i have altered the Lore a bit and changed one of the traits. can you link me where it says they have concerns about ethereal races

... I literally did exactly that... "Here" is a clickable link in previous post.  

carolean7 wrote:

Note, some concern of the devs about the lore of "etherial" factions was brought up here. May be worth checking out... Maybe you can keep the theme but alter the lore a bit?

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 10:58:59 PM

Lol sorry didn't notice that just looked liked standard text. 

I think I solved the lore problem. They now have physical bodies that they made in order to interact with the other species.

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